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The Second Brain

BOOK - This "second brain" can control our gut all by itself. Our two brains -- the one in our head and the one in our bowel -- must cooperate. If they do not, then there is chaos in the gut and misery in the head -- everything from "butterflies" to cramps, from diarrhea to constipation.

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BOOK - This memoir contains many stories with life changing events and reflections about the status quo and the continually emerging insights especially involving the care of our bodies. The author has studied with Drs. Upledger, Barral and Chikly since the 1980s. The book includes a specific chapter about Dr. John and CST/SER.

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Visceral Manipulation for Female Pelvic Disorders

BOOK - Visceral Manipulation for Female Pelvic Disorders 2nd Edition

We are excited to release the second edition of this book!!

Manual Therapists and Osteopaths are challenged in their everyday practices to assess and treat patients affected by pelvic floor disorders. Recurring referral diagnoses may be related to functional disorders (urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, infertility), hormonal physiology (puberty, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause), or related to consequences associated with specific surgical and/or infectious disease processes. The intrapelvic soft tissues are continuously stimulated and mobilized due to respiratory, urinary, genital, and intestinal functions; similarly, the urogenital organs are in constant motion. This book is based on the most common pelvic disorders encountered in clinical practice, and provides practitioners with key treatments to aid with patient care and recovery. 

The Second Edition includes numerous additions and updates. There are several additional pages that have been added with new details and illustrations throughout, including the latest research on biomechanics, endometriosis, and pelvic neuralgia. The pelvic floor now has a chapter unto itself, and there is a whole new chapter on pregnancy with valuable new techniques. In addition to the global release of the uterus, other treatments include techniques for round ligament syndrome, the osteoarticular system, the muscular system, the digestive system, the vascular system, and the autonomic nervous system with the clear images that we have come to appreciate.

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