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Consumer Information-Brochures


Overcoming Chronic Digestive Conditions

BOOK - Overcoming Chronic Digestive Conditions - A healthy gut is fundamental to a healthy life. Embedded within our digestive ­system is the enteric nervous system, our “second brain,” which serves to protect us from the external world of adversity, including not only viruses and bacteria, but also traumatic events. As Nikki Kenward, CST-D, MCSS, explains, past challenges and traumas, whether emotional or physical, are held in the enteric nervous system in many ways, including fascial tension, cellular changes, and unhelpful “default settings.”

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Understanding the Peripheral Nervous System Trifold Reference Chart

CHART - This useful trifold reference chart reminds us of all the components of peripheral nerves with a great image to keep in your mind’s eye as you treat peripheral nerves. In addition to being a convenient go-to reference with diagrams and descriptions, it also includes the very useful page of common conditions arising from dysfunction at each spinal segment.

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