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Online Video-Online Video-Barral-BI Interconnected

Roberto Bonanzinga, DO, BI-D , Alison Harvey DC, AK, CST-D, BI-D, Annabel Mackenzie, RST, BI-D , Damian Kitcheman DO, CVTP, Gail Wetzler, PT, DPT, EDO, BI-D , Joanne Enslin-de Wet PT, BI-D

$175.00 (USD)

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Online Video - streaming video for your computer or digital device - available exclusively through IAHE.

NOTE: You will receive an email within 24-72 hours with instructions for setting up your online video streaming account and your voucher code to access these online videos.

See Online Video FAQs for details and length of video access.

Barral Institute Interconnected

This is 2-segment virtual conference is an exceptional opportunity to explore practical applications of interconnectedness of the body and its systems - right from the comfort of your own personal space with online live BI Teachers. The information presented will be immediately applicable in your practice, and you are able to ask questions of these international experts.

Length: Approximately 6 hours

Segment 1

Annabel Mackenzie, RST, BI-D; Canada
Understanding Jean-Pierre Barral’s Evaluation Process

Roberto Bonanzinga, DO, BI-D; Italy
Feel First, Think After

Gail Wetzler, PT, DPT, EDO, BI-D; United States
Clinical Application of the Evaluation and Treatment Process for Specific Diagnoses

Segment 2

Alison Harvey DC, AK, CST-D, BI-D; Scotland
Interconnections of the Abdominal Fascia

Damian Kitcheman DO, CVTP; New Zealand
Embryology of the Fascia of Toldt and its Application to Colon Function

Joanne Enslin-de Wet PT, BI-D, South Africa
Fascial Crossroads at the Thoracic Inlet and its Effect on Shoulder Girdle Function

Wrap Up with Gail Wetzler, PT, DPT, EDO, BI-D

Contact us at 561.622.4334 for a discount if you are a IAHP Medallion Member or use Promo Code: IAHP Discount SYMINT.