
Structure and Energy

Prerequisite: varies, see individual classes

Structure and Energy 1 (SAE1)

Pre-requisite: SomatoEmotional Release 1 (SER1)

Essential components of the CranioSacral Therapy are the encounter and the contact. When there is an encounter between therapist and client, an interactive, non-visible communication occurs between two force fields. When this happens, a variety of information for the design of treatment is provided.

To take advantage of this information, we need a basic understanding of the structure of the subtle body and its force fields. In order to achieve a careful use of subtle tools within CranioSacral Therapy, it is equally important to know one's own force field as a therapist, and to get closer to one's own "energy signature."

The structure of the course includes sections on theory and practice, self-experience, training of perception and the integration of these techniques in CranioSacral Therapy.

  • Basic knowledge about the subtle body 5 elements and their 10 energy channels
  • Structure of the fascial system and the energy channels
  • Meridians, their defense reactions and the immune system
  • Evaluation and intervention of the energy system relating to CranioSacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation
  • Exercises for activating the energy channels
  • Limits and contraindications of energetic intervention

(This class is taught in Austria in the German language – the title in German is Struktur & Energie 1.)

Structure and Energy 2 (SAE2):

Pre-requisite: Structure and Energy 1 (SAE1)

The structure of the course includes sections on theory and practice, self-experience, training of perception and the integration of these techniques with CranioSacral Therapy.

SAE 2 deals with the anatomy of the energy field and its expressions. Perception and physical exercises help to follow the personal experiential.

  • Broader view on the structure of the subtle body (Nadi System)
  • Subtle anatomy and connections to the craniosacral system
  • Subtle basis of body cross-structures
  • Chakras, their characteristics and importance in CranioSacral Therapy
  • Thematic exploration of the chakras
  • Mantras and mudras
  • In-depth work with vectors
  • Limits and contraindications of the energetic intervention

(This class is taught in Austria in the German language – the title in German is Struktur & Energie 2.)