
Unwinding Meridians: Applying Acupuncture Principles to CST (UMAC)

Prerequisite: CranioSacral Therapy (CS2) for UMAC1; UMAC1 for UMAC2, UMAC3, UMAC4; see each program for further details and requirements; any 2 levels for UMAC-PRAX

Unwinding Meridians 1: Applying Acupuncture Principles to CST (UMAC1)

From the rich knowledge of Oriental medicine you can draw connections between the craniosacral system and organs, emotions, sounds, colors, tastes and much more. This dynamic workshop also offers options in verbal dialoguing to enhance energy flow.

Course Highlights

  • Find out how the points and meridians of acupuncture relate to each other and to the cranial rhythm
  • Learn to draw connections between the craniosacral system and organs, emotions, sounds, colors, tastes and much more
  • Discover options in verbal dialoguing to enhance energy flow.
  • Explore the cranial rhythm of the organs and chakras.
  • Discover the influential points of Qi, bones, marrow, tendons, organs and blood.
  • Work with alarm points on the body that can alert you to organic blocks.
  • Learn about 5 Element and Yin/Yang Theories.
  • Practice exercises to enhance and balance your energy.
  • Discover points for acupuncture meridian facial rejuvenation.
  • Become acquainted with tongue diagnosis.
  • Work with Ah Shi points.

UMAC1 Class Details

UMAC Informational Video
UMAC-PRAX Class Highlights

Unwinding Meridians 2: Applying Acupuncture Principles to CST (UMAC2)

Deepen your understanding and skills of Unwinding the Meridians of Acupuncture Principles. Delve into the eight extraordinary meridians to understand the energetic foundations of our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional being. Learn proven techniques to release old traumas, enhance vitality, and practice skills to promote health, longevity, and beauty.

Course Highlights

  • Energetically set the bones of the body to a more perfect balance.
  • Utilize the muscle meridians to release trapped nerves, injuries and blocks.
  • Experience the five elements on each meridian to help balance that pathway.
  • Learn Windows of the Sky Points to enhance clarity, creativity and comprehension.
  • Discover Sun Si Miao's 13 ghost points to balance emotions.
  • Learn Kidney Spirit Points to make the Shen whole and happy.

Unwinding Meridians 3: Applying Acupuncture Principles to CST (UMAC3)

Prerequisite: Unwinding Meridians: Applying Acupuncture Principles to CST 2 (UMAC2); or Unwinding Meridians: Applying Acupuncture Principles to CST 1 (UMAC1) and a period of several months to a year of experience utilizing the UMAC1 information

UMAC3 course will be Unwinding the Meridians from the microscopic crystalline structure of the bones to the Primordial Qi, at the ever expanding edge of the Universe. UMAC3 is an opportunity to learn and enhance your skills, understanding and results by opening and experiencing more fully to the original source (Yuan Qi) of our being and the inter-relatedness of all the energies of the Universe (The Cranial Sea).

Unwind the Meridians in relation to:

  • The meridians of the eyes
  • Reading the eyes
  • The meridians of the brain
  • The meridians of the scalp
  • The meridians of the 3 Tantiens
  • The meridians and the 13 cranial nerves
  • Bone balancing beyond the spine
  • A deeper merging of the cranial rhythm
  • Meridians and the systems of the body
  • Qi Bone Breathing for regulation of bones and nerves
  • The Divergent Channels for unresolved issues and unfulfilled life purpose
  • Zang fu twist of the organs
  • And more

Unwinding Meridians 4: Applying Acupuncture Principles to CST (UMAC4)

Prerequisite: Unwinding Meridians 2: Applying Acupuncture Principles to CST (UMAC2) or Unwinding Meridians 3: Applying Acupuncture Principles to CST (UMAC3); or Unwinding Meridians 1: Applying Acupuncture Principles to CST (UMAC1) and a period of several months to a year of experience utilizing the UMAC information

UMAC4 is focused on enhancing the perceptive and therapeutic skills of the practitioner. New concepts will be introduced and practiced to expand the student's perceptions of the energies, feelings and locations related to Oriental Medicine.

Focus areas

  • Refining the practitioner's ability to more deeply and fully delve into the energetic substance of their clients on many levels
  • Physical treatments for discs, DNA, mental clarity and longevity
  • Mental practices for memory, concentration and
  • On a more subtle level practices for dimensions and other times, spaces and places will be experienced

Energetic enhancement practices will be utilized daily to enhance the practitioner's healing Qi.

Select Topics

  • Thrusting Channels
  • Wisdom Qi Gong
  • Discs
  • Iris Diagnosis
  • Hand Acupuncture
  • 12 Dimensions
  • 12 Light Bodies
  • Brain
  • P2 Hun Men DNA
  • 5 Purification Breaths
  • Dreams
  • Unwind layers
  • Already Healed
  • Facial Motor Points
  • Omentum
  • Ch 13 Su Wen
  • Yang Shen Nurturing Life
  • Mengzi Book of Mencius (371-289 BCE)
  • Month Meridians
  • Sacrum Integration
  • Zheng Qi upright QI K1 Yongquan
  • Distance Treatments
  • 9 Palaces for the areas of ones life

Unwinding Meridians: Applying Acupuncture Principles to CST: Praxis (UMAC-PRAX)

Prerequisite: Unwinding Meridians 1: Applying Acupuncture Principles to CST (UMAC1) and either UMAC2, 3 or 4
Praxis may be defined as the process through which a theory or lesson, via active practice of the skills involved, becomes a lived experience. This course will provide an in-depth, in-person, hands-on exploration of the skills and ideas taught in the Unwinding Meridians (UMAC) curriculum.
The primary focus of the Praxis class will be the development and refinement of palpation and treatment skills, allowing students to increase their ability to help their clients. Students will focus on enhancing the precision and specificity of their work, all under the supervision of the instructor. The course is designed to be a synthesis of theory and practice, and an exploration of the ongoing process of moving between the two.
This course will also build on the information and techniques covered in the Unwinding Meridians (UMAC) trainings.  The class will take a deeper dive into materials from the prior trainings and cover the depths of perception as the student discovers more about the tissues, fluids and energies in and around the body throughout all time space, lifetimes, dimensions and universes.

Program intention is to enhance student confidence and application of techniques to release old traumas, enhance vitality and practice skills to promote health, longevity, and consciousness.

I went to the class because I wanted to learn something fun. Also, I had seen Ken twice because I felt like I needed a powerful presence to help me unwind some unhealthy patterns.

When I went, I was feeling a deep resistance to something. And to be honest the energy there left me feeling very uncomfortable in a certain kind of way. For me, some groups I am good in, and in others—that mirror my own insecurity or whatever—I am not. It's been a long road for me to come out of hiding and feel safe in groups.

In any case, Ken started teaching all these meridians, and I felt myself a little bit lost. I tend to be a slow but deep learner, and I wondered if I would ever "get this work." I am home now. And every night when I go quietly to sleep, I feel a profound change in me. Something that goes right down to the core. Last night it felt like I had downloaded the whole template to what Ken offers. And it feels close to ancient in relationship to modern man. I feel the meridians opening up, one point sings—it may be hurt or tingle or such—but then the energy moves along.

I don't think that I have experienced such a deep energy change in such a short time period in my own personal healing before as I have with this class. I feel like my soul has found a singing bowl. And I am unwinding in my own unique way.

I have already started to practice. And I have found, if I take a few points at a time, it is very learnable. And I love that with this UM work, that we can tap into an old and honorable healing modality, along with being creative and easy in our own present practice. I also love, that it can be general or very specific to certain needs, pain, illness, imbalances, spiritual, ancestral, DNA, etc.

There are plenty of points to learn, the meridians and the menus, yes, but I feel like it is already set inside of me. Very strange. Ken kept saying we would get it. And he was right. It is there for the taking. Ken has a very powerful energy sense and presence, and I thank him for sharing all that he carries and knows. I think he is a Master at what he does. Glad that my path led me to him.

Anyhow, I hope this sparks some people who may be interested. It is not a main component of the curriculum, and some may not have heard about this class. But it definitely deserves a shout out. It is at least equal to all of the high-quality teachings at UII in my opinion, and personally has touched me in a powerful way.

Sharon Hartnett, NCTMB, CST-D

My favorite virtual course to date. I am loving that Upledger (Institute International) if offering virtual classes, as I don't live near a large city center and it is great not having to always travel. It would be great to see virtual classes continue. 

M.B., Canada

Even if you have no background with Traditional Chinese Medicine or Meridians in general, the class is amazing. He has this full set of dialogue menus that even if I’m not working the meridians I use when doing a basic 10 step.

UII Alumnus

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