CS1 04.10-13.25 RICH
CS1: CranioSacral Therapy 1: Assessment of Central Nervous System and Fascia for Full Body Treatment Protocol
CS1 April 10-13, 2025 Richmond, Virginia
Description: This course will introduce you to the anatomy and physiology of the CranioSacral System through our practical hands-on "learning by discovery" method. You will learn advanced palpatory skills, fascial and soft tissue release techniques, and a concise 10-step protocol for evaluation and treatment of the entire body via the CranioSacral System. To supplement class instruction you will receive a fully-illustrated, comprehensive study guide.
Advance Preparation: The required reading for this course is Chapters 1-6 in CranioSacral Therapy (CSTI) and Your Inner Physician and You (IPAY). Both books are authored by course developer, John E. Upledger, DO, OMM. In addition please familiarize yourself with the definitions and/or locations of the anatomical terms available at:
The majority of these terms can be found in the text CranioSacral Therapy (CSTI), as well as most anatomy texts such as Atlas of Human Anatomy (NAS) by Frank Netter, MD. The CST textbook is available for purchase by calling our office at 561.622.4334 or 800.233.5880 extension 2 or online at www.iahe.com
For both course preparation and implementing the material into your practice, we offer a 'CranioSacral Therapy Starter Kit' which includes the following items:
~CranioSacral Therapy (text book) ~Your Inner Physician and You (book) ~10 Step Protocol Poster (laminated wall chart) ~10 Step Protocol Mini Poster (11.5" x 9" double sided laminated chart) ~1-Year Upledger Alumni Association-IAHP Medallion Membership - Medallion Membership benefits are many -including post course video review of CS1 material.
Starter Kit $120 plus shipping Total cost if purchased individually $235.95 ~Savings $115.95 (prices subject to change)
ONLINE SHOPPING: CST Starter Kit: - http://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/Health-and-Wellness/Starter-Kit- CS1 CSTI: - http://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/Textbooks/Craniosacral-Therapy IPAY: - http://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/Health-and-Wellness/Your-Inner-Physician-and-You
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