
Charts and Posters for Distributors

Avenue of Expression Trifold Reference Chart

CHART - This beautifully illustrated trifold reference chart is a clear and concise review of the CranioSacral Therapy techniques for the Avenue of Expression (AOE). It is also a quick reference guide for the key anatomical structures of the AOE and a must have for all CST practitioners.

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Fascia; The Interwoven Body Wall Chart

CHART - Fascial interconnectedness is at the heart of CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation, and Total Body Balancing. This wall chart shows fascia as the body’s foundational substance in an easy and clear manner. It illustrates how fascial distortions alter the musculoskeletal system, organs, brain, and the spinal cord.

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Fascia; The Interlinked Body Trifold Reference Chart

CHART - Fascial interconnectedness is at the heart of CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation, Total Body Balancing, Fascial Balancing, and many other manual therapies. This trifold reference chart, developed with Tad Wanveer, LMBT, CST-D, shows fascia as the body’s foundational substance in a clear, detailed, and fascinating manner. It illustrates how fascial distortions alter the musculoskeletal system, organs, brain, and spinal cord, and even all the way into the smallest units of the body. 

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Manual Thermal Evaluation Trifold Reference Chart

TRIFOLD REFERENCE CHART - Manual Thermal Evaluation (MTE) an evaluation method developed by Jean-Pierre Barral, DO, MRO(F) that utilizes sensitivity to temperature changes to identify dysfunction within the body. It is useful across a wide spectrum of health disciplines and augments other forms of evaluation. This MTE wall chart assists the therapist in maximizing their understanding and use of MTE.

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