JOURNAL - Tummy Tracker Journal - This journal is designed to help you understand the layers of influence on your gut and help you develop your ability to listen to the stories unfolding there.
BOOK - Manual Lymphatic Techniques for the Orthopedic Manual Therapist addresses the application of various lymphatic techniques for people with many orthopedic ailments and sports injuries such as bursitis, tendonitis, low back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, as well as post-operative knees and shoulders. Practitioners will gain a new perspective on manual therapy for their orthopedic patient population.
ANATOMICAL PRODUCT - The skull membrane model from The Upledger Institute makes studying the form and function of the cranium much simpler. Used together, your skull and membrane model offer a vital 3-dimensional perspective to the cranium.
HEALTH AND WELLNESS - Use this simple, yet effective, healthcare device inspired by Dr. John Upledger and created by John Matthew Upledger to create soothing Still Points like those you can achieve with CranioSacral Therapy. Includes downloadable soothing music performed by an accomplished CST practitioner to encourage deep relaxation.