Patient Info

SCIN 02.16.25 CHI

SCIN: ShareCare Inhouse
SCIN February 16, 2025 Chicago, Illinois



One of the goals of The Upledger Institute is to teach people that they play the most active role in their own health. ShareCare workshops were designed by Dr. John E. Upledger specifically for persons with no prior knowledge of anatomy or physiology. Dr. Upledger Is the osteopathic physician who led the research team to establish the scientific basis for a craniosacral system. He has shown how the system could be used to evaluate and treat misunderstood malfunctions involving the brain, spinal cord, and a myriad of other health problems such as chronic pain, lowered vitality, recurring infections, etc.

ShareCare participants with no healthcare background can learn about the craniosacral system and its influence on their overall health. Presenters will introduce a few simple techniques designed to relieve headaches, reduce stress, control pain, promote relaxation, and to lead participants to a greater understanding of their role in their own health.

Advance Preparation:
To enhance your experience at this course, it is recommended that you read Your Inner Physician and You by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, available at

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