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Understanding the Messages of Your Joints

Jean-Pierre Barral DO
202 Pages

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Understanding the Messages of Your Joints

This new book is the companion to Understanding Messages of Your Body.

Did you know that hip pain can be linked to an unwanted move, a lack of familial attachment or a fear of change...?

It is not entirely by chance that we might have knee, back or neck discomfort. Jean-Pierre Barral arrived at this remarkable conclusion after studying thousands of cases, whereby he established common links between emotions, behavior and joint pain. By being aware of this interdependence, you can help to resolve past and present tensions.

In this book each joint is reviewed in terms of its function and the problems that tend to affect it, including discussion of their causes and ramifications for our physical and mental equilibrium. It explains how to take care of your joints, physically, psychically and emotionally. If you look after your joints, your mind will follow. Similarly, by treating an emotional problem, you can improve joint health.

Click here for a book excerpt.

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