IAHE, Jonathan Gissel, MSA,LAc,DipIAc, Kenneth Koles, PhD,DSc,LAc
8.5" w x 11” h when trifolded.
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Unwinding Meridians Applying Acupuncture Principles to CranioSacral Therapy Flowchart Trifold Reference Chart
Developed with Kenneth Koles, PhD, DSc, LAc and Jonathan Gissel, MSA, LAc, DiplAc, this colorful trifold reference chart supports the practitioner in applying principles from the Unwinding Meridians and CranioSacral Therapy (UMAC) curriculum, which is an expanding energetic system that blends the ancient wisdom of Classic Asian Medicine and CranioSacral Therapy developed by Dr. John E. Upledger.
This trifold reference chart includes "menus" or dialoguing as used in the UMAC seminars. The menus help direct the practitioner on how to proceed through their dialoguing. The chart is grouped in a hierarchy. Once a practitioner has worked through the first menu, and the patient is still not finished (according to the craniosacral rhythm), then the practitioner would continue working through the sub-menus.
It is an excellent client education tool, as it assists the practitioner in visually explaining the work they are doing. It also includes a body meridian clock to open discussion about organ high points and how this can help find challenges in the body
Explanation of UMAC Wall Chart vs Trifold Reference Chart
The wall chart has all the techniques, point groups, menu items, Transformation procedures, and tools from UMAC 1 and 2 seminars combined in one simple chart to see all at once in your hand.
The trifold reference chart has all the above on one side to cover all the techniques and menus plus the foldout of Unwinding the Eyes. This includes both the step by step positions and process to Unwind the Eyes, as well as 4 illustrations of the eye itself as well as the visual pathways in 3 views, front, side and top.
Both are just wonderful quick accesses to the energies of Unwinding the Meridians with CranioSacral Therapy. Explanation of the Section of Unwinding the Eyes on the UMAC Trifold Reference Chart vs the Eye Meridian Trifold Reference Chart
The unwinding the eyes on the UMAC Trifold Reference Chart is the whole visual system from eyeballs, cornea to the primary and secondary visual cortex at the base of the skull in the back.
Unwinding the Eye Meridians Trifold Reference Chart is the entirely different concept using the acupuncture meridians in the eyes. This is work discovered and developed by Ken Koles, and something entirely new to the acupuncture community. This trifold reference chart introduces the meridians in the eyes and how to unwind them, as well as the emotional transformations.