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The International Alliance of Healthcare Educators (IAHE) is pleased to provide product fulfillment and online registrations for our members.  IAHE is pleased to provide you with a peer-reviewed selection of items to complement your practice and your professional education.

To view a list of required and recommended products by class type, click here to download the document.  Product codes are listed before the title of each product on the list.  

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EBOOK-Respectful Collaboration

EBOOK-for your computer or digital device Respectful Collaboration; Ten Clients, a Physician, and a CranioSacral Therapist—Inspired Healings is a thought-provoking book that shares the success of complementary treatments being used within the established healthcare system to help people with various disorders and diseases. It is a testimony to the power of an integrative treatment approach.

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EBOOK-Robert Fulford, D.O. and the Philosopher Physic

EBOOK-for your computer or digital device Robert Fulford, D.O. and the Philosopher Physician is both an intellectual biography and a practical introduction to Dr. Fulford's methods of diagnosis and treatment. In addition to tracing the principal figures and ideas that influenced his thought, there are sample protocols of Fulford's history-taking, physical examination and general treatments, and exercises for learning to discern the human energy field ("etheric body") and treating with "intention".

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EBOOK-SomatoEmotional Release and Beyond

EBOOK-for your computer or digital device This book is Dr. Upledger's third in a series about his clinical observations and experiences with the craniosacral system. Recommended reading for all practitioners of CranioSacral Therapy, it provides a detailed description of the development and current uses of SomatoEmotional (SER), Energy Cyst Release and Therapeutic Imagery and Dialogue.

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EBOOK-A Touch Better; Two Therapists’ Journeys and Lessons Learned

EBOOK-for your computer or digital device A Touch Better describes how Dr. John E. Upledger’s work of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) inspired a shared journey of two therapists who put his work into practice. This book offers a promise of guidance for newer students to embrace the work, as well as for the sage therapist who is interested in learning about how the Upledger Institute International came into being. Embedded are personal observations of “Dr. John’s” philosophy and character, and his eventual rise to become one of Time magazine’s Top 100 Healthcare Innovators of the 21st Century.

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EBOOK-The Song, The Transformational Power of Grief

EBOOK-for your computer or digital device The Song is a book that goes beyond theorizing about grief. It deals with steps that help to support and comfort someone immediately after a loved one dies, as well as providing guidance through the months and years that follow. The book offers a different perception of grief and of what the death of a loved one can bring into your life. In spite of the immense pain of the loss, the transformational power of grief can take one beyond what one could imagine.

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EBOOK-Zero Balancing Expanded

EBOOK-for your computer or digital device Providing detailed descriptions and illustrations, this book offers excellent ways to further assist your clients recover and retain their health, and at the same time to expand your practice. The content of this book incorporates Judith Sullivan’s three previous Zero Balancing workbooks that are used in advanced ZB courses. This book, can be used alone, as a study guide or as review for an advanced ZB course. It is also helpful to other manual therapists, as it shows how the skills of Zero Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation can enhance the body’s natural healing processes in a wide range of health conditions.

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