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Your Inner Physician and You-Spanish

BOOK - En este libro, Dr. Upledger cuenta sus experiencias personales explorando y desarrollando esta suave técnica que mejora el sistema sacrocraneal, el área en la que funcionan el cerebro y la médula espinal. También se ha citado una terapia innovadora denominada Liberación Somato Emocional. Esta terapia ayuda a liberar la mente y el cuerpo de los efectos residuales de experiencias emocionales traumáticas y negativas.

This is the SPANISH edition of Your Inner Physician and You.

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Zero Balancing Expanded

BOOK - Providing detailed descriptions and illustrations, this book offers excellent ways to further assist your clients recover and retain their health, and at the same time to expand your practice. The content of this book incorporates Judith Sullivan’s three previous Zero Balancing workbooks that are used in advanced ZB courses. This book can be used alone, as a study guide or as review for an advanced ZB course. It is also helpful to other manual therapists, as it shows how the skills of Zero Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation can enhance the body’s natural healing processes in a wide range of health conditions.

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Avenue of Expression Trifold Reference Chart

CHART - This beautifully illustrated trifold reference chart is a clear and concise review of the CranioSacral Therapy techniques for the Avenue of Expression (AOE). It is also a quick reference guide for the key anatomical structures of the AOE and a must have for all CST practitioners.

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