Dysfunctions of the sphenobasilar joint, first documented by William G. Sutherland, D.O., are described and discussed in a classroom setting. Dr. Upledger demonstrates evaluation and treatment.
SET - These DVDs complement the professional studio DVDs by showing you unedited workshop demonstrations complete with spontaneous observations, and questions and answers from instructors and students. Set of 6 CranioSacral Therapy Classroom DVDs. Note: If you would like to purchase this set as all online videos, please order from the Related Items below.--
SET - The professionally produced DVDs give you a front-row view of Dr. John Upledger as he applies his signature techniques to special cases. Set of 4 CranioSacral Therapy Studio DVDs.
Note - one of the DVD programs is now available only as an online video program.
CHART - This beautifully illustrated trifold reference chart is a clear and concise review of the CranioSacral Therapy techniques for the Avenue of Expression (AOE). It is also a quick reference guide for the key anatomical structures of the AOE and a must have for all CST practitioners.
Online Video-for your computer or digital device- Along with a one-hour overview of CranioSacral Therapy and the mouth, this video program offers specific coverage of the hard palate, sphenoid, maxillae, palatines, vomer bone and maxillary palatine complex.