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Systems Informed Bodymind Therapy: The Body

Prerequisite to purchase this program:  CST Working with Chronic Depletion (CSWCD) seminar attendance, as well as a good working knowledge and facility with the skills presented in that class including the epicenter technique, palpation of rev, influence/witness, and an iterative style of working.

Online Self-Paced Study and Mentorship / Community


Systems Informed Bodymind Therapy: The Body is offered with developer Eric Moya, RMT, CST-D and IAHE. It is an exciting self-paced course that furthers the building of an approach to manual therapy that combines leading-edge manual therapy approaches with an understanding of contemporary mental health approaches. The ultimate goal of SIBT is to build an integrated manual therapy for the body, mind, spirit, and soul, and this course focuses on the body within that integrated whole. Featuring a unique combination of online self-paced elements, live online mentorship, and in-person treatment elements, the SIBT curriculum uses detailed educational practices to help its students learn the material deeply and apply it to clinical work based on their scope of practice.

Structure of the Course:

The SIBT curriculum and this course feature the best of both online and in-person education and mentorship to ensure valuable and practical skills for the practitioner. Upon registration, you will have access to the course's online lectures and technique demonstration, as well as the online mentoring community and live mentoring calls. The therapist retreat requirements of the certification process can be done at any time during your education (or even multiple times), but are recommended as part of the course completion.

1) Self-Paced Online Cohort:

The 20 modules include pre-recorded lectures and technique demonstrations. There are also journal assignments, reflection assignments, practice assignments, and time recommendations between the modules to encourage deep learning on the part of the learner. When you register, you will be included in the next scheduled cohort. The cohort consists of the course participants, the teaching assistant mentors, and the instructor. As part of your cohort, you’ll have a small peer group and a mentor that will help you track and complete material, give you feedback, and answer questions. You will receive emails and communication as the cohort begins to help orient you and participate in the process.

2) Online Mentorship & Community:

Upon successful registration, the learner is included in the next cohort and is also invited to join our online community of students, as well as join the regularly scheduled live mentorship Zoom calls where the students may ask questions about the material, discuss the assignments/reflection prompts, and build community. The price of live and online mentorship is included in the overall cost of the course. 

3) Special Event Therapist Retreat (may attend at any time) :

The therapist retreats are a time for participants studying SIBT to deepen hands-on skills, receive personalized feedback from peers and the instructor, as well as an opportunity to receive the work. Therapist retreats can be done at any time, but are usually recommended upon completing one of the online modules. The retreats are 3-days in length with a limited number of 12 participants.

The structure of the retreats will be three full days of contact and education. In the mornings of the retreats, a paper will be presented on a particular topic related to SIBT and a follow-up group discussion. In the afternoon, the participants will be divided into 3 or 4 groups and do "round-robin" style treatments on each other under supervision from the course instructor. The therapist retreats will be full days, so participants are encouraged to arrive the day before and not leave until the day after the retreat. Students are welcome to attend the therapist retreat at any time during their education or even multiple times. Still, they are encouraged to participate in a retreat towards the end of the self-paced information, so they can receive feedback and mentorship on the skills contained in this course.  Therapist retreats are an additional fee. Contact for more details.

Cohort Process and “Group Starts”

We have set February 4, 2025 as the next “group start” for this SIBT: The Body course. The group start is placed there for those learners who do well with online education. Experience shows that having a community working alongside you results in better learning and integration of the material. Once a new group begins, we will have a scheduled “kick-off” meeting where you’ll get to meet other cohort members and get oriented to your peer group and mentor.  

Complete registration via

NOTE:  After completion of your purchase, you will receive an email with details for accessing the program.