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Life in the Bones

BOOK - Life in the Bones; Get the story behind the story of Dr. Fritz Smith and Zero Balancing. Life in the Bones, by fellow ZB instructor David Lauterstein, offers insights into Dr. Smith’s heart and passions, sharing his journey not only in words but through a significant collection of photos and art.

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A Life That Matters: Transforming Faces, Renewing Lives

BOOK - A Life That Matters is a fascinating and profoundly moving new book by a surgeon who has devoted his life to helping the world's most unfortunate children grow up with faces that allow them to know they are part of the human community-assured that they are ordinary in the very best way and fully capable of being loved.

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Manual Lymphatic Techniques for Orthopedic Manual Therapist

BOOK - Manual Lymphatic Techniques for the Orthopedic Manual Therapist addresses the application of various lymphatic techniques for people with many orthopedic ailments and sports injuries such as bursitis, tendonitis, low back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, as well as post-operative knees and shoulders. Practitioners will gain a new perspective on manual therapy for their orthopedic patient population.

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Manual Therapy Approach to the Brain - Volume 1

BOOKManual Therapy Approach to the Brain - Volume 1 - This book presents an innovative manual approach to working with the brain, the most complex and fascinating part of the body, and a territory that seems essentially inaccessible. It is the result of a rich clinical experience, and a long empirical and pragmatic journey that Jean-Pierre Barral began over four decades ago. 

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