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Consumer Information-Brochures


Discover Integrative Approach to Concussion Brochure (75)

HEALTH AND WELLNESS - This helpful brochure, written in laymen's terms, explains the value of integrative manual therapies for traumatic brain injuries.Discussing the role of CranioSacral Therapy, Neural Manipulation and Visceral Manipulation, this brochure is an effective way to boost your business through consumer education and care. Sold in sets of 75, each one includes space for your name and contact information.

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Discover Manual Articular Approach Brochure

HEALTH AND WELLNESS - This helpful brochure explains the value of Manual Articular Approach in terms your clients can understand. It's an effective way to boost your business through consumer education and care.

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Discover Visceral Manipulation Brochures (75)

HEALTH AND WELLNESS - This helpful brochure explains the value of Visceral Manipulation in terms your clients can understand. It's an effective way to boost your business through consumer education and care. Sold in sets of 75, each one includes space for your name and contact information.

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EBOOK-Anatomy and Asana: Preventing Yoga Injuries

EBOOK-for your computer or digital device Anatomy and Asana answers many practical questions that are often asked by yoga students – about back pain, knee pain, and shoulder pain; about clenching the butt in back bends, and how to release the hamstrings or prevent hamstring tearing in forward bends. The book combines hands-on information with illuminating drawings, stories, and helpful tips to show you how to practice yoga with less pain. It informs without overwhelming the reader with too much information.

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EBOOK-Anatomy of Yoga

EBOOK-for your computer or digital device Anatomy of Yoga is a guide to the different roles played by muscles in yoga practice. Through helpful examples that illustrate individual poses and how each one engages one or more muscles, the reader is able to distinguish and understand their various roles. This in turn, leads to a more enlightened and beneficial yoga experience. 

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EBOOK-CST: Touchstone for Natural Healing

EBOOK-for your computer or digital device This delightful and thoroughly readable book expands on concepts originally presented in Your Inner Physician and You to offer new insights into the promise of CranioSacral Therapy. CranioSacral Therapy: Touchstone for Natural Healing is packed with fresh information, and uses poignant case stories of restored health: a five-year old autistic boy, a man with Erb's palsy, a woman with a 15-year history of headaches, and many more.

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