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Consumer Information-Brochures


The Song; The Transformational Power of Grief

BOOK - The Song is a book that goes beyond theorizing about grief. It deals with steps that help to support and comfort someone immediately after a loved one dies, as well as providing guidance through the months and years that follow. The book offers a different perception of grief and of what the death of a loved one can bring into your life. In spite of the immense pain of the loss, the transformational power of grief can take one beyond what one could imagine.

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A Touch Better; Two Therapists’ Journeys and Lessons Learned

BOOK - A Touch Better describes how Dr. John E. Upledger’s work of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) inspired a shared journey of two therapists who put his work into practice. This book offers a promise of guidance for newer students to embrace the work, as well as for the sage therapist who is interested in learning about how the Upledger Institute International came into being. Embedded are personal observations of “Dr. John’s” philosophy and character, and his eventual rise to become one of Time magazine’s Top 100 Healthcare Innovators of the 21st Century.

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Understanding Your Organs Trifold Reference Chart

CHART - This trifold reference chart highlights a complete spectrum of information about the internal organs as only Jean-Pierre Barral can, including the physical, nutritional and physiological care of each one. Understand the interrelationship between your organs and your overall physical and mental well-being. 

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Understanding Your Organs Trifold Reference Chart - SPANISH


Este tríptico cuadro de referencia resalta y ofrece una amplia gama de información sobre los órganos internos como solo Jean-Pierre Barral puede, incluido el cuidado físico, nutricional y fisiológico de cada uno. Comprenda la interrelación entre sus órganos y su bienestar físico y mental en general.

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Your Health, the Nation, and the Senior Healthcare System

DVD - Your Health, the Nation, and the Senior Healthcare System is a one hour documentary that interviews top healthcare experts from around the US on the subject of growing concern: how we support the health of our aging seniors and especially those who are at risk for Alzheimer's and Dementia.

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