CHART - This trifold reference chart includes "menus" or dialoguing as used in the UMAC seminars. The menus help direct the practitioner on how to proceed through their dialoguing. The chart is grouped in a hierarchy. Once a practitioner has worked through the first menu, and the patient is still not finished (according to the craniosacral rhythm), then the practitioner would continue working through the sub-menus.
BOOK - Respectful Collaboration; Ten Clients, a Physician, and a CranioSacral Therapist—Inspired Healings is a thought-provoking book that shares the success of complementary treatments being used within the established healthcare system to help people with various disorders and diseases. It is a testimony to the power of an integrative treatment approach.
EBOOK-for your computer or digital device- Craniosacral Therapy is the most practical, comprehensive textbook in this rapidly growing field of therapy involving the cranial bones, meningeal membranes, cerebrospinal fluids, and whole-body connective tissues.
EBOOK-for your computer or digital device- The first chapter looks at the cranial nerves and how they can be effectively influenced by craniosacral therapy. In the second chapter, the author, through words and pictures, dissects the fascial anatomy of the neck from the perspective of the craniosacral system. Chapter 3 scrutinizes the temporomandibular joint and TMJ syndrome. The final chapter focuses on those concepts and discoveries which have unfolded in Dr. Upledger's clinical practice since the publication of his first book.
EBOOK-for your computer or digital device- Join John E. Upledger, D.O., O.M.M., as he takes you from the union of sperm and egg through the development of the complex circuitry that makes up the human brain.
EBOOK-for your computer or digital device- In Cell Talk, Dr. John E. Upledger explores uncharted territory in complementary care: communicating with the body on a cellular level to facilitate health and well-being.
EBOOK-for your computer or digital device- This delightful and thoroughly readable book expands on concepts originally presented in Your Inner Physician and You to offer new insights into the promise of CranioSacral Therapy. CranioSacral Therapy: Touchstone for Natural Healing is packed with fresh information, and uses poignant case stories of restored health: a five-year old autistic boy, a man with Erb's palsy, a woman with a 15-year history of headaches, and many more.
EBOOK-for your computer or digital device- This full-color picture book written for school age children shows the famous Upledger Technique's 'Healing Hands' program at work with children.
EBOOK-for your computer or digital device- This lively book describes the discovery and therapeutic value of the craniosacral system in easy, understandable terms healthcare professionals and laypeople alike can understand.