Online Video-for your computer or digital device-The professionally produced video programs give you a front-row view of Dr. John Upledger as he applies his signature techniques to special cases. Set of 10 video programs - 4 CranioSacral Therapy Studio programs and 6 CranioSacral Therapy Classroom programs.
Online Video-for your computer or digital device-Set of 6 CranioSacral Therapy Classroom Online Video Programs. These online video programs complement the professional studio online video programs by showing you unedited workshop demonstrations complete with spontaneous observations, and questions and answers from instructors and students.
Online Video-for your computer or digital device- Set of 4 Programs - Learn from the Developer! This set of professional produced programs give you a front-row view of Dr. John Upledger as he applies his signature techniques to special cases.
Online Video-for your computer or digital device- Along with a one-hour overview of CranioSacral Therapy and the mouth, this video program offers specific coverage of the hard palate, sphenoid, maxillae, palatines, vomer bone and maxillary palatine complex.
Online Video-for your computer or digital device- Dr. Upledger discusses "facilitated segments" and how they can interfere with the craniosacral system.