In this two-part series, Pediatric Manual Therapy: Visceral and Neuromeningeal Manipulation by Jean Anne Zollars, discover how these profound manual therapies, developed by French osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral are adapted for newborns, babies, and young children.
These books:
• Help the manual therapist treat pediatric patients with common conditions such as reflux, colic, tongue tie, gassiness, and constipation by differentiating whether the visceral distress is from dysfunction in the organ, the autonomic nervous system, cranium, fascia, or a combination of these structures. • Give guidance for assessing and treating babies and children with autonomic nervous system dysregulation, particularly as it relates to trauma, often presenting as irritability, difficulty sleeping, constant crying, hyperactivity, reflux, or inability to make eye contact with the caregiver. • Contain information specific to assessing and treating pediatric patients with cerebral palsy, torticollis, plagiocephaly, prematurity, medical trauma, and delayed milestones such as crawling. • Distill applicable information on embryology and neuromotor development, condensing relevant knowledge from shelves of texts and resources into a few concise chapters. • Emphasize how the baby’s or child’s tissues guide treatment, especially important for babies or nonverbal children.
Volume 1 takes the manual therapist through the step-by-step assessment and treatment approach for the baby or child, specifically for the autonomic nervous system, regulation, and the neuromeningeal system. It concludes with case studies integrating Visceral and Neuromeningeal Manipulation with pediatric therapy. Volume 2 continues with the assessment and treatment approaches focusing on the organs using Visceral Manipulation.