CHART - From the lineage of the Unwinding the Meridians of Acupuncture with CranioSacral Therapy seminars (UMAC) comes a new and exciting Trifold Reference Chart for unwinding the Eye Meridians.
CHART - This trifold reference chart includes "menus" or dialoguing as used in the UMAC seminars. The menus help direct the practitioner on how to proceed through their dialoguing. The chart is grouped in a hierarchy. Once a practitioner has worked through the first menu, and the patient is still not finished (according to the craniosacral rhythm), then the practitioner would continue working through the sub-menus.
Online Video-for your computer or digital device-Visceral Manipulation: Advanced Clinical Applications for Common Gastrointestinal Issues - 1 - Virtual Component - This virtual program will strengthen the participant’s expertise in integrating Barral’s Visceral Manipulation techniques with common gastrointestinal issues as seen in the clinical practice. The focus of this class is the abdominal organs including the stomach, liver and gallbladder. The participants will gain a deeper understanding of each organ including their associated membranes, ligaments, innervation, vascularization, spatial and functional interrelationships, and organ-brain connections.
Online Video-for your computer or digital device-Visceral Manipulation: Advanced Clinical Applications for Common Gastrointestinal Issues - 2 - Virtual Component - This virtual program will strengthen the participant’s expertise in integrating Barral’s Visceral Manipulation techniques with common gastrointestinal issues as seen in the clinical practice. The focus of this class is the abdominal organs including the duodenum, jejunoileum, colon, and rectum. The participants will gain a deeper understanding of each organ including their associated membranes, ligaments, innervation, vascularization, spatial and functional interrelationships, and a deep-dive into organ physiology and common organ pathologies seen in the manual therapy practice.
Online Video-for your computer or digital device-Visceral Manipulation: Advanced Clinical Applications for Common Gastrointestinal Issues - 3 - Virtual Component - This virtual program will strengthen the participant’s expertise in integrating Barral’s Visceral Manipulation techniques with common gastrointestinal issues as seen in the clinical practice. The focus of this class is the abdominal organs including the pancreas, spleen and kidney. The participants will gain a deeper understanding of each organ including their associated membranes, ligaments, innervation, vascularization, spatial and functional interrelationships, and a deep-dive into organ physiology and common organ pathologies seen in the manual therapy practice.
LEARNING TOOLS - This Pocket Guide is a 'must have' for the Visceral Manipulation Therapist. It is a comprehensive collection of anatomical drawings depicting the mobility patterns of healthy organs. The mobility of each organ is clearly explained via illustration, as well as accompanied by supporting text. It will enhance your anatomical knowledge and understanding, and enhance your skill level.
LEARNING TOOLS - This Pocket Guide is a 'must have' for the Visceral Manipulation Therapist. It is a comprehensive collection of anatomical drawings depicting the motility patterns of healthy organs. The mobility of each organ is clearly explained via illustration, as well as accompanied by supporting text. It will enhance your anatomical knowledge and understanding, and enhance your skill level.
Online Video-for your computer or digital device-Applied Anatomy: Practical Dissection Experience for Manual Therapists - This is an online video program based on the Virtual Series.
Series of 6 Programs - This Virtual Series is an exciting opportunity to participate in a dissection program from the comfort of your home. Eric Moya has taken his decades of teaching dissection classes and created this Applied Anatomy program that will benefit all manual therapists.
Online Video-for your computer or digital device-Unwinding Meridians 1: Applying Acupuncture Principles to CST (UMAC1) Virtual Review - TWe invite you to refresh and renew your Unwinding Meridians: Applying Acupuncture Principles to CST 1 (UMAC1) skill set with our UMAC1 Virtual Review Class!
Continue to enhance your practice by mastering the most advanced skills and techniques.
CHART - This useful trifold reference chart reminds us of all the components of peripheral nerves with a great image to keep in your mind’s eye as you treat peripheral nerves. In addition to being a convenient go-to reference with diagrams and descriptions, it also includes the very useful page of common conditions arising from dysfunction at each spinal segment.