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Neural Manipulation Products


Fascia; The Interlinked Body Trifold Reference Chart

CHART - Fascial interconnectedness is at the heart of CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation, Total Body Balancing, Fascial Balancing, and many other manual therapies. This trifold reference chart, developed with Tad Wanveer, LMBT, CST-D, shows fascia as the body’s foundational substance in a clear, detailed, and fascinating manner. It illustrates how fascial distortions alter the musculoskeletal system, organs, brain, and spinal cord, and even all the way into the smallest units of the body. 

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Discover Integrative Approach to Concussion Brochure (75)

HEALTH AND WELLNESS - This helpful brochure, written in laymen's terms, explains the value of integrative manual therapies for traumatic brain injuries.Discussing the role of CranioSacral Therapy, Neural Manipulation and Visceral Manipulation, this brochure is an effective way to boost your business through consumer education and care. Sold in sets of 75, each one includes space for your name and contact information.

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Online Video-Barral-Anatomy Series – Visceral Manipulation: Thorax

Online Video-for your computer or digital device - Anatomy Series – Visceral Manipulation: Thorax - Each segment in this series will provide in depth discussion with a visceral perspective. The presentations are designed to enrich your knowledge and enhance your practice with a greater understanding of organ specific fascial and soft tissue connections and their connection to pain and dysfunction. The BI Faculty have studied for many years and are able to encapsulate many years of knowledge to bring it to you and your practice.

The content will delve into
~anatomy of a specific organ and it's relationship to its surrounding anatomy
~pertinent dissection slides of unembalmed donor
~using models of organs, the presenter will demonstrate each organ’s movement patterns
~self palpation as it relates to clinical application

Thorax will address the cervical fascia, lungs/bronchi and heart/pericardium.

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Online Video-Barral-SET of 4 Anatomy Series – Visceral Manipulation

Online Video-for your computer or digital device - Online Video-Barral-SET of 4 Anatomy Series – Visceral Manipulation - Each segment in this series will provide in depth discussion with a visceral perspective. The presentations are designed to enrich your knowledge and enhance your practice with a greater understanding of organ specific fascial and soft tissue connections and their connection to pain and dysfunction. The BI Faculty have studied for many years and are able to encapsulate many years of knowledge to bring it to you and your practice.

The content will delve into
~anatomy of a specific organ and it's relationship to its surrounding anatomy
~pertinent dissection slides of unembalmed donor
~using models of organs, the presenter will demonstrate each organ’s movement patterns
~self palpation as it relates to clinical application

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