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Online Video-Barral Institute Symposium; New Foundations - New Partnerships

Online Video-for your computer or digital device - Barral Institute Symposium; New Foundations - New Partnerships 
Gail Wetzler, PT, DPT, EDO, BI-D, Director of Curriculum of Barral Institute brings together over a dozen experts in the integrative healthcare field to share insights of their work and how it interfaces with manual therapy.

Speaker LineUp:
-Dr. Len Wisneski, MD, FACP: Empowering Change through Policy
-Melanie Baughn, DO: Regenerative Medicine - Understanding and Optimizing Stem Cell Research as a Solution to Many of Today's Health Care Issues
-Pedrum Shojai OMD: Interconnected – The Power to Heal from Within
-Ron Mariotti ND, BI-D: Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), Neuroplasticity of the Gut and the Role of Visceral Manipulation
-Tad Wanveer LMT, CST-D: Dynamic Waterways - The Importance of the Glymphatic System in Central Nervous System Health
-Charles Shidlofsky, OD, FCOVD: What's Vision Got To Do With It: The Role of Vision in our Sensory World
-Indira Subramanian, MD: Brain Unleashed: Living Well with Parkinson's Disease
-Rachel Ragsdale, MA, LPC, BCN and Gail Wetzler PT, DPT, EDO, BI-D: Trauma Induced Anxiety-Manual Therapy Research for Brain Health Neurofeedback Analysis
-Gregory Scott Johnson, PT, FFMT, FAAOMPT: Functional Manual Therapy Approach to Manage the Mechanical Capacity of the Vagus Nerve
-Randy Brazie MD: The Polyvagal Theory - How it Informs Psychiatry, Somatic Experiencing and Mental Health Care
-Laura Gómez Guío, CST, PT, DO, CVPT: Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory Using Manual Therapy in Patients with Chronic Pain and Trauma
-3 Guest Speakers discuss integration of this work into their practices
-Gail Wetzler, PT, DPT, EDO, BI-D: Wrap up

The speakers will share how the principles and concepts of manual therapy have helped in their personal or professional growth.

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Core-Pak: Neural Manipulation

This is a United States/Canada* seminar series package that offers you a substantial discount for the seminars. And the payment is set up on a convenient schedule of $100 per month, so it helps you to budget for your continuing education.

The standard tuition for the Neural Manipulation series that includes  NM1, NM2, NM3, NM4 and NM Certification is:

NM1 $795
NM2 $795
NM3 $795
NM4 $795
Certification $600
Standard Total: $3780

Through the Core-Pak Program you will enjoy a savings on the tuition for this series.

Core-Pak Total for NM1 - NM4 and NM Certification: $2700

Your Savings: $1080!

***Registration Options

1. Register Online
When you register online, you can select the NM1 class you would like to start with using the dropdown list of classes, or you can leave it blank and select a class at a later date by calling our office. The * next to the city indicates a surcharge that will be charged 30 days prior to the class start date. Once you add the Core-Pak to your shopping cart, you will see the total amount of the Core-Pak displayed on the screen. However, once you submit your order, we will only charge your credit card the first initial payment of $100. After your initial payment of $100, you will be charged $100 per month until the balance of the Core-Pak is paid in full. For all subsequent classes in the Core-Pak, you must register in person, via email or phone.

2. Register by Phone
Call us at 561.622.4334 ext 2, M-F from 8:30 am - 6:00 pm Eastern Time.  We will take care of your registration and answer any questions you may have.

3. Email us at
Email us your intention to register for the Core-Pak and one of our staff will reach out to you to complete your registration. Emails should contain your name, professional title, phone number, email address and mailing address, as well as the best times to reach you.

*This program is available for United States/Canada courses only, and excludes classes in Puerto Rico and in-house locations.

**Tuition rates may be subject to local/state taxes and/or city/country surcharges.

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Pediatric Manual Therapy: Visceral and Neuromeningeal Manipulation - Volume 1

In this two-part series, Pediatric Manual Therapy: Visceral and Neuromeningeal Manipulation by Jean Anne Zollars, discover how these profound manual therapies, developed by French osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral are adapted for newborns, babies, and young children.

These books:

•    Help the manual therapist treat pediatric patients with common conditions such as reflux, colic, tongue tie, gassiness, and constipation by differentiating whether the visceral distress is from dysfunction in the organ, the autonomic nervous system, cranium, fascia, or a combination of these structures.
•    Give guidance for assessing and treating babies and children with autonomic nervous system dysregulation, particularly as it relates to trauma, often presenting as irritability, difficulty sleeping, constant crying, hyperactivity, reflux, or inability to make eye contact with the caregiver.
•    Contain information specific to assessing and treating pediatric patients with cerebral palsy, torticollis, plagiocephaly, prematurity, medical trauma, and delayed milestones such as crawling.
•    Distill applicable information on embryology and neuromotor development, condensing relevant knowledge from shelves of texts and resources into a few concise chapters.
•    Emphasize how the baby’s or child’s tissues guide treatment, especially important for babies or nonverbal children.

Volume 1 takes the manual therapist through the step-by-step assessment and treatment approach for the baby or child, specifically for the autonomic nervous system, regulation, and the neuromeningeal system. It concludes with case studies integrating Visceral and Neuromeningeal Manipulation with pediatric therapy. Volume 2 continues with the assessment and treatment approaches focusing on the organs using Visceral Manipulation.

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