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Online Video-Muscle Balancing; Upper and Lower Quadrant Home Study Programs

Kerry D'Ambrogio D.O.M., A.P., P.T., D.O.-M.T.P.

$590.00 (USD)

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Online Video - streaming video for your computer or digital device - available exclusively through IAHE.

Set of 2 Online Video Muscle Balancing Home Study Programs

NOTE: You will receive an email within 24-72 hours with instructions for setting up your online video streaming account and your voucher code to access these online videos. The printed Study Guide will be mailed to you.

See Online Video FAQs for details and length of video access. 

An excellent way to learn the Fundamentals of Muscle Balancing.  Save $200 over purchasing separately! 


The complete set of the 2 Muscle Balancing Home Study Programs outlines a full body evaluation and an indirect treatment approach to treat protective muscle spasm. The Online Videos and Printed Study Guides are divided into easy to use formats allowing you to view the upper and lower quadrant evaluations. They also include individual MB treatment techniques for the cranium, cervical spine, thoracic spine, rib cage, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand, as well as the lumbar spine, pelvis, sacrum, hip, knee, ankle, and foot.

This set of 2 Online Video Home Study Programs Includes:


  • Muscle Balancing; Upper Quadrant Home Study Program (Online Video, Printed Study Guide, and Home CEU Test - 6 CEU Hours)                                    
  • Muscle Balancing: Lower Quadrant Home Study Program (Online Video, Printed Study Guide, and Home CEU Test - 5 CEU Hours)      
  • DAI Treatment Approach Handout

**Bonus: Online Video Lecture with Kerry D'Ambrogio explaining the principles and practice of MB, as well as how to maximize the use of the Home Study Program.     


The Online Videos and Printed Study Guides outline and review the principles and practice of Muscle Balancing. The purpose of MB is to treat protective muscle spasm by inhibiting muscle spindle activation, thereby decreasing afferent impulses to the brain. By interrupting this pathway, the patient’s muscle is allowed to assume a normal resting tone, thus relieving the tender point, protective muscle spasm, fascial tension, joint hypomobility, swelling, and pain.

MB will also improve posture, range of motion, and the flow of nerves, arteries, veins, lymphatics, and energy to, within, and from, every organ and body part. This results in improved health and homeostasis.

Muscle Balancing (MB) is an expansion of the technique formerly referred to as Positional Release Therapy (PRT). The Sets feature references to PRT now called MB. 

Dr. D'Ambrogio's textbook, Positional Release Therapy, is recommended to read as part of this course work.