Kerry D'Ambrogio D.O.M., A.P., P.T., D.O.-M.T.P.
$390.00 (USD)
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NOTE: You will receive an email within 24-72 hours with instructions for setting up your online video streaming account and your voucher code to access these online videos.
Online Video - streaming video for your computer or digital device - available exclusively through IAHE.
Total Body Evaluation Program and Reference Guide Set
NOTE: You will receive an email within 24 hours with instructions for setting up your online video streaming account and your voucher code to access these online videos. The printed Reference Guides will be mailed to you.
See Online Video FAQs for details and length of video access.
Total Body Evaluation Online Video Program
Explains the principles and practice of Total Body Evaluation. It is divided into an easy to use format allowing you to view the full body evaluation from beginning to end.
Length: Part 1- 1:33 & Part 2- 1:15
Total Body Evaluation Reference Guide - printed - will be mailed to you
Total Body Balancing (TBB) is a total body evaluation and a 5-phase treatment approach. TBB uses long levers (arms, legs, head/neck or torso) and rhythmic mobilization to release tension in the muscles, fascia, joint capsules and ligaments to improve circulation, nerve, and energy flow. This helps to normalize sympathetic and parasympathetic neurological activity while the use of long levers maximizes effect with less effort on behalf of the practitioner. This long lever approach of rhythmic mobilization influences all systems of the body including the lymphatic, the visceral and the craniosacral, myofascial and musculoskeletal systems and serves as an overall support and integration for specific treatment. This is called a maximal approach and treats the body as a whole.
This reference guide is a comprehensive collection of over 100 illustrations depicting the evaluation protocols used for Total Body Balancing. Each evaluation is clearly explained via illustration and supporting text.
This is an excellent guidance and patient education tool for the therapist.
IMPORTANT: These evaluations tools are usable for all modalities - CST, VM, NM, etc.