Online Video - streaming video for your computer or digital device - available exclusively through IAHE. NOTE: You will receive an email within 1 business day with instructions for setting up your online video streaming account. See Online Video FAQs for details and length of video access. Applied Anatomy: Practical Dissection Experience for Manual Therapists
Length: Approximately 6 hours
Series of 6 Programs - This Virtual Series is an exciting opportunity to participate in a dissection program from the comfort of your home. Eric Moya has taken his decades of teaching dissection classes and created this Applied Anatomy program that will benefit all manual therapists.
MODULE 1: Introduction, Overview, History of Dissection, Preserved vs. Unpreserved Dissection, Palpation, and Cranium This first module will introduce the topic and set the stage for additional modules. Topics covered in this first module will include a brief history of dissection, the experience of dissection, preserved vs. unpreserved dissection, introduction to the donor, palpation/assessment of tissues, and the cranium. The session will conclude with some palpation suggestions and practice prior to the second session..
MODULE 2: Cranium This second module focuses on the cranium. Anatomy will be reviewed with both anatomical and dissection illustrations. Topics include osseous anatomy, membranous anatomy, and brain anatomy. Suggestions for palpation will be provided before the next module.
MODULE 3: Brain and Spine Building off the previous module, this module will conclude our exploration of the brain and them focus on spinal anatomy. Topics covered will include the osseous, membranous, and nervous anatomy. Suggestions for palpation will be provided prior to the next module.
MODULE 4: Spine and Sacrum Continuing our work with the previous module, module 4 concludes our exploration of the spine and sacrum, including cranial nerves, lamina groove, spinal dura, and controversies in the field around sutural closure..
MODULE 5: Occipital Cranial Base, Myodural Bridge, and Avenue of Expression This module highlights the neck structures and their importance to the CST therapist. Structures examined include a deep dive into the occipital cranial base and the myodural bridge. On the anterior neck, we examine the avenues of expression and related structures. Both anatomical and dissection illustrations will be provided, as well as descriptions of clinical relevance, palpation, and suggestions for practice.
MODULE 6: Extremities, Organs, and Conclusion This module will accomplish a number of important objectives as we conclude the dissection series. The content of this module is focused on important anatomical structures that may not always be the first focus for CST practitioners but important for the manual therapist nonetheless. At first, we’ll take a brief look at the pituitary, the eye, and the transition between tendon and muscle. From there, we’ll examine the limbs and related structures, beginning the arms first and moving to the legs. Next, we will look at the organs of the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity, with additional comparisons between different donors. Lastly, we conclude the series with information about will-body programs, concluding thoughts, and invitations for next steps and reflections.
Testimonials I’m just in awe! You had talked about how fragile the brain is but to see it being taken out of the cranium and onto the tray was incredible. Thanks also for great view of the intracranial membranes. This course is changing how I see the body and how I can help clients understand their bodies. - T. Hamilton My mind was blown, and then as I sat and processed and journaled I also was not surprised either - the world of CST never ceases to amaze me. - S. Harper Wonderful virtual dissection class with Eric Moya. Videos of pia mater, CSF, dura mater, loved the one with the exposed blood vessels, contrasted with the CSF…thanks so much for this class. - anonymous student