Online Video-for your computer or digital device-Lymphatic Balancing: Total Body Home Study Program
Lymph Balancing for the Total Body (LBTB) is a total body lymphatic evaluation and treatment approach specifically designed for the orthopedic patient to modulate the autonomic nervous system, balance the transverse diaphragms, release lines of tension, and eliminate congestion in the lymphatic system.
Online Video-for your computer or digital device-Lymphatic Balancing: Lower Quadrant Home Study Program
Lymph Balancing for the Lower Quadrant (LBLQ) is a local treatment approach specifically designed for the orthopedic patient to release lines of tension and eliminate congestion in the lymphatic system of the lower abdomen, lumbar spine, pelvis, sacrum, lower extremity, deep lymphatic, and deep abdominal regions.
Online Video-for your computer or digital device-Lymphatic Balancing: Upper Quadrant Home Study Program
Lymph Balancing for the Upper Quadrant (LBUQ) is a local treatment approach specifically designed for the orthopedic patient to release lines of tension and eliminate congestion in the lymphatic system of the cranium, face, cervical/thoracic spine, ribcage, deep thorax, upper abdomen, and upper extremity.
Online Video-for your computer or digital device - Muscle Balancing; Lower Quadrant - The MBLQ Online Video and printed Study Guide outline a lower quadrant evaluation and an indirect treatment approach to treat protective muscle spasm. This Online Video and printed Study Guide are divided into easy to use formats allowing you to view the lower quadrant evaluation and to view each individual MB treatment technique for the lumbar spine, pelvis, sacrum, hip, knee, ankle and foot. A supplemental Study Guide facilitates learning. MB is an expansion of the technique formerly referred to as Positional Release Therapy (PRT).
Online Video-for your computer or digital device - Muscle Balancing; Upper Quadrant - The MBUQ Online Video and printed Study Guide outline an upper quadrant evaluation and an indirect treatment approach to treat protective muscle spasm. This Online Video and printed Study Guide are divided into an easy to use format allowing you to view the upper quadrant evaluation and to view each individual MB treatment technique for the cranium, cervical spine, thoracic spine, rib cage, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand. A supplemental Study Guide facilitates learning. MB is an expansion of the technique formerly referred to as Positional Release Therapy (PRT).
Online Video-for your computer or digital device-New Manual Articular Approach: Lower Extremity Virtual Review - This class will be a review of the theory, principles and treatment presented in MALE. The program will include an excerpt from BI Interconnected, featuring Roberto Bonanzinga, titled: Feel First, Think After. While working with a new patient, Roberto will share the approach to determining the Barral modalities applicable to the patient. Pre-requisite for purchase: MALE seminar
Online Video-for your computer or digital device-We invite you to refresh and renew your Upledger CranioSacral Therapy skill set with our SERTIP Virtual Class! Approximately 6 hours.
Online Video-for your computer or digital device-The professionally produced video programs give you a front-row view of Dr. John Upledger as he applies his signature techniques to special cases. Set of 10 video programs - 4 CranioSacral Therapy Studio programs and 6 CranioSacral Therapy Classroom programs.
Online Video-for your computer or digital device-There are no manual therapy techniques without fascial participation and fascia is the link between all the different modalities. Join renowned osteopath, and author of The Fasciae: Anatomy, Dysfunction and Treatment, Serge Paoletti, DO (UK), as he discusses the role that fascia plays in manual therapy.
Online Video-for your computer or digital device- Along with a one-hour overview of CranioSacral Therapy and the mouth, this video program offers specific coverage of the hard palate, sphenoid, maxillae, palatines, vomer bone and maxillary palatine complex.