BOOK - New Approach to the Vagus Nerve and Autonomic Nervous System - This book presents the functional importance of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in the physiological, behavioral, and psychological balance in humans. Older and dualistic concepts of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems hold that they operate in complementary and opposing ways. In this text the reader will discover a new system with three hierarchical levels arranged according to their functions for adaptation, survival, and homeostasis. Although this book was written by an osteopath, it will benefit all therapists of the body, mind, and spirit who search to deepen their comprehension of human functioning.
BOOK - New Manual Articular Approach; Cervical Spine
This comprehensive book explores the "hidden" imperatives that influence vertebral biomechanics. With an innovative approach, the authors apply their systems model of the vertebral column to the complexities of the cervical spine. Original manual therapy techniques are presented and richly illustrated with drawings and photographs.
BOOK - New Manual Articular Approach; Lower Extremity
This comprehensive book offers innovative and original techniques for acute and chronic conditions of the lower limb. It is richly illustrated with drawings and photographs. The book presents novel techniques that are simple, precise, and not at all forceful.
Book - New Manual Articular Approach; Upper Extremity is the first book in a three-part series. The forthcoming in the set are devoted to the lower extremity and the trunk.
This book combines detailed anatomy, physiology, causes and characteristics for disease, specific signs and symptoms for each organ, visceral evaluation procedures, specific details to all techniques as taught within the Barral visceral curriculum --- as well as, homeopathic, botanical, nutritional and physical medicine suggestions. The focus is on these areas of the abdomen - evaluation, listening techniques, liver, gallbladder and stomach.
In the Physiological and Clinical Applications of Visceral Manipulation series of books, Dr. Ron Mariotti helps the manual therapist move from a purely mechanical approach with patients to the role of “artist” by developing the subtle ability to sense tension patterns, as well as the moment of tissue release. The foundation of this series of books is the truly unique and effective work of French Osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral referred to as Visceral Manipulation.
In Volume 2 of the Physiological and Clinical Application series, Dr. Mariotti continues his detailed exploration into the clinically relevant world of anatomy and physiology, with a focus on the duodenum, jejunoileum, and colon. Not only does he take you methodically through the study of anatomy, but also step-by-step through the assessment and treatment techniques of Barral’s Visceral Manipulation.
LEARNING TOOLS - This Pocket Guide Book emphasizes specific details to give a clear understanding of the organ attachments and the potential for functional change.
BOOK - The most up-to-date professional reference text on positional release therapy, this high-quality clinical text is applicable to the entire musculoskeletal system and easily integrated into physical therapy, chiropractic and osteopathic curriculums. With more than 600 illustrations and photos, this reader-friendly book clearly demonstrates tender point locations, treatment positions and other key topics.
BOOK - This book is Dr. Upledger's third in a series about his clinical observations and experiences with the craniosacral system. Recommended reading for all practitioners of CranioSacral Therapy, it provides a detailed description of the development and current uses of SomatoEmotional (SER), Energy Cyst Release and Therapeutic Imagery and Dialogue.