BOOK - Manual Therapy for the Prostate presents a comprehensive guide to the prostate that includes manual treatment procedures designed to resolve common prostate issues.
BOOK - From Manual Evaluation to General Diagnosis presents a comprehensive guide to osteopathic evaluation before hands-on treatment. Based on Croibier's clinical experience, it provides an extensive educational framework for the examination of patients to determine the course of treatment.
BOOK - The book is designed to guide a person toward a greater understanding of his/her own body, and therefore be better equipped to remain healthy and enjoy life.
HEALTH AND WELLNESS - This helpful brochure, written in laymen's terms, explains the value of integrative manual therapies for traumatic brain injuries.Discussing the role of CranioSacral Therapy, Neural Manipulation and Visceral Manipulation, this brochure is an effective way to boost your business through consumer education and care. Sold in sets of 75, each one includes space for your name and contact information.
CHART - This helpful trifold reference chart, written in laymen's terms, explains the value of integrative manual therapies for helping people with concussion and traumatic brain injuries.
CHART - Fascial interconnectedness is at the heart of CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation, and Total Body Balancing. This wall chart shows fascia as the body’s foundational substance in an easy and clear manner. It illustrates how fascial distortions alter the musculoskeletal system, organs, brain, and the spinal cord.
EBOOK-for your computer or digital device- The Fasciae: Anatomy, Dysfunction and Treatment is the first book to organize the wealth of available information concerning fascial tissues from the fields of embryology, anatomy, histology, and pathology. It describes the roles and mechanisms of the fasciae, and details appropriate testing and treatment techniques. The book is richly illustrated with color and black and white drawings throughout.