Online Video-for your computer or digital device-Barral Institute Interconnected - This is 2-segment virtual conference is an exceptional opportunity to explore practical applications of interconnectedness of the body and its systems.
-Understanding Jean-Pierre Barral’s Evaluation Process -Feel First, Think After -Clinical Application of the Evaluation and Treatment Process for Specific Diagnoses -Interconnections of the Abdominal Fascia -Embryology of the Fascia of Toldt and its Application to Colon Function -Fascial Crossroads at the Thoracic Inlet and its Effect on Shoulder Girdle Function
CHART - This beautiful 6-page trifold reference chart designed by Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O., Alain Croibier, D.O. and Barral Productions allows you to see the cranial nerves in vivid detail.
CHART - This beautiful trifold reference chart is full of illustrations and information to help with understanding the correlation between the nervous system and endocrine system, and specifically how the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems regulate the functioning of organs.
EBOOK-for your computer or digital device- Anatomy of Movement presents a dynamic, integrated approach to the study of the physical structures of the musculoskeletal system and their functional relationship to the movements of the human body.
CHART - This useful trifold reference chart reminds us of all the components of peripheral nerves with a great image to keep in your mind’s eye as you treat peripheral nerves. In addition to being a convenient go-to reference with diagrams and descriptions, it also includes the very useful page of common conditions arising from dysfunction at each spinal segment.