From Manual Evaluation to General Diagnosis From Manual Evaluation to General Diagnosis author Alain Croibier, DO presents a comprehensive guide to osteopathic evaluation and diagnosis before hands-on treatment. Based on his everyday clinical experience, the book provides an extensive educational framework for the examination of patients in order to determine what the course of treatment should be. As Croibier explains, "an accurate diagnosis is the surest way to devise a truly individualized treatment plan and thereby achieve the best possible results." Written for manual hands-on therapy students and practitioners, the book provides an in-depth exploration of the osteopathic diagnosis process which aims to identify an abnormality and to discover factors which may be causing the dysfunction. Drawing a comparison between diagnosis in classical medicine and osteopathy, Croibier explains that the osteopath focuses on restoring the conditions of good health rather than simply addressing the consequences of disease. Enhanced with full-color instructional photos and illustrations, the book describes the manual hands-on assessments and general evaluations that lead to a diagnosis. Manual assessments include objective observation, diagnostic touch--palpation of the affected areas of the body, visualization, and "listening" (a hand placed on a specific part of the body to gather information about tissue functionality). The manual therapist also performs a patient intake and interview; general evaluation that analyzes the patient's symptoms and general state; examination of posture and equilibrium; and observation of individual characteristics, such as constitution, temperament, and body type. CONTENTS: Section 1: Theory and Fundamentals of Diagnosis - Concept of Diagnosis
- The Osteopathic Paradigm
- Basis for an Osteopathic Diagnosis
- Positive Diagnosis in Osteopathy
- Differential Diagnosis in Osteopathy
- Etiological Diagnosis in Osteopathy
- Tools for a Manual Diagnosis
- Practical Organization of Diagnosis
Section 2: General Diagnosis
- Patient Intake and Interview
- General Evaluations
- Posture and Morphostatic Examination
- The Individual in Clinical Evaluation
- Orientation for Manual Diagnosis
- Tools of Differential Diagnosis
- Conclusion; Glossary; Bibliography; Index