
Virtual Study is also available:
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 CST Virtual Study Groups
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Virtual SG
Country SG
State SG
City SG
Cert Leader
Group Info
1 Frank Hester CMT, CST-T   United States California Apple Valley No PRACTICE GROUP

The Health and Healing Place Annex
18419 Highway 18, Suite 5

Meeting day & time: Third Tuesday of each month, 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm (advanced registration requested)

Fee: $10

Frank Hester 
2 Geraldine Markes LMT, NCTMB, CST-T No United States California Cathedral City Yes Location: 69877 Sunny Lane, Cathedral City

Meeting Dates & Times: one Tuesday evening a month, 6:00 pm

Member Eligibility Requirements: Completion of CS1

Fee: $10

Contact: Geraldine Markes
3 Shelly Can CMT No United States California Irvine No PRACTICE GROUP

Please contact for dates, times, and location. 

Contact Shelly Can


4 Robyn Scherr CMT, CST-D   United States California Lafayette Yes Location: 
Lafayette, CA

Check www.livinginthebody.net/Practitioners/ for meeting dates and location. 

Robyn Scherr
5 Karen Polek H.H.P.,NCTMB   United States California Laguna Beach No PRACTICE GROUP

Specific Location: 1176 Miramar St__Laguna Beach, CA 92651

Meeting Dates: 2nd Wednesday of each month

Meeting Times: 7:00 – 10:00 PM

Member Eligibility Requirements: CST I required

Fee: $30 with pre-registration; $35 day of study group

Contact Information: 
Phone: 949-295-6023E-mail: karenapolek@juno.com
6 Meghan McGrath CMT, CECP, CST-T   United States California Livermore Yes Location: 2210 Fourth Street, Livermore CA, 94551

Meeting Dates & Times: One Saturday a month (varies). See www.unwindingjourney.com/Events for details. 

Meeting Times: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 

Member Eligibility: Completion of CS1

Fee: $20.00

Contact: Meghan McGrath
7 Karen Fairweather BCTMB, CST-D No United States California Loma Linda Yes Meeting Location: 

Loma Linda University

11161 Anderson Street
2nd Floor
Loma Linda, CA 92350

Member Eligibility: Completion of CS1

Please contact for dates and details. 

Karen Fairweather
8 Sara Mangano SLP   United States California Los Angeles No Practice Group

Specific Location: Venice Beach

Meeting Dates & Times: First Friday or Sunday of every month, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. 

Member Eligibility Requirements: Completion of SER2

Fee: $5

Contact Sara Mangano
9 Diane Heggen CMT   United States California Pasadena Yes Location: 960 East Green Street, Suite 310, Pasadena, CA 91106

Meeting Dates & Times: varies, please contact for details. 

Member Eligibility: Completion of CS1, preferably CS2. 

Fee: $25

Diane Heggen 
10 Karen Axelrod MA, CST-D, CAMTC No United States California Redondo Beach Yes Member Eligibility Requirements: CS1, CS2, CSCN, CSIR

CSCN and CSIR run monthy; CS1 and CS2 run periodically. 
Meeting dates and times vary. 
Fee: $10

Online study groups also available using the Zoom meeting platform. See website for details. 

Contact Information: Name:  Karen Axelrod
Phone:  310-376-0113 
E-mail:   karen.axelrod@gmail.com
Website:  www.karenaxelrod.com
11 Shelly Can CMT No United States California Redondo Beach No PRACTICE GROUP

Please contact for dates, times, and location. 

Contact Shelly Can


12 Amy Hayes PT, CST-T No United States California Ross No Practice Group

Location: 23 Ross Common #10, Ross, CA 94957

Meeting Dates & Times: To be determined.

Contact for more information:
Amy Hayes 415-407-5095, amyh12@gmail.com
13 DeAnna Castleberry PTA, CMT, CLT, CST-T No United States California Sacramento Yes Location: 
3112 O Street, Suite 15
Sacramento, CA 95816

Meeting Dates & Times: Check the calendar on dynamicjourneys.net or contact for details

Member Eligibility: Completion of CS1

Fee: $25

Contact DeAnna Castleberry
14 Melinda Naye CMT, CST-D   United States California Sacramento / Auburn Yes Location: InnerSource, Auburn, CA
Please contact for dates, times and additional information. 

Member Eligibility Requirements: Completion of SER1

Fee: $20

Contact Information: 
Melinda Naye 916-223-7394, melindanaye@gmail.com
15 James Armour CMT, CST-D   United States California San Diego Yes Location: 3321 28th St., San Diego, CA 92104

Meeting Dates & Times: Please see Facebook page. 

Member Eligibility: Completion of CS1

Fee: $20

Contact: James Armour
Study Group Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2121531368146953/
16 Catherine Chavarria LMT, CST-T No United States California San Diego Yes Location: 2321 Morena Blvd. Suite M, San Diego, CA

Meeting Dates & Times: the 2nd Monday of each month, 5:00 - 7:00 pm

Member Eligibility: Completion of CS1

Fee: $10.00

Catherine Chavarria
17 Michelle Man OTD, OTR/L, CST-T No United States California San Diego Yes Please contact for meeting dates and times. 

Member Eligibility Requirements: All Upledger Alumni are welcome

Fee: $40

Michelle Man
18 David Taff CMT No United States California San Diego No Practice Group

Location: Balance Plus Physical Therapy
3794 Clairemont Dr
San Diego CA 92117

Course levels: CS1 & CS2

David Taff; 919-272-0991; dtaff@me.com
Meet: Sunday every 4-6 weeks from 10-12:30
Fee: $20
19 Katherine Wolff LMT, CST-T No United States California San Diego Yes Location: Rehab United, 3959 Ruffin Rd. Suite J, San Diego, CA

Meeting Dates & Times: last Saturday of every month, 9:30 am -11:30 am

Member Eligibility Requirements: Completion of CS1 or CS2

Fee: $15

Contact Katherine Wolff


20 Jeff Rynders DC, CST-T No United States California San Juan Capistrano Yes Specific Location: 
30320 Rancho Viejo Rd. #10
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

Meeting dates & times to be determined. 

Fee: $50 (3 hours)

Contact: Jeff Rynders
21 Flanagan MacKenzie CST-D No United States California San Luis Obispo Yes Location: 398 Chorro, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405

Meeting Dates and Times: Second Tuesday of each month, 5:00 - 8:00 pm

Member Eligibility: Completion of CS1

Fee: $35, Must contact Flanagan to reserve a space. 

Contact Information: 
Flanagan Mackenzie
22 Chris Chaplin CMP, CST-D   United States California San Mateo Yes Location: 
839 Highland Ave. Apt 1
San Mateo, CA 94401

Meeting dates & times vary - please contact for details.

Eligibility: Completion of CS1

Fee: Study group $25 in advance, $30 at the door. Trade night $5 in advance, $10 at the door. 

Contact Chris Chaplin
23 Pam Kapoor LMT, CST-D No United States California San Mateo Yes Location: 1660 S. Amphlett Blvd. Ste. #302, San Mateo, CA 94402

Customized meeting dates. Contact Pam for details. 

Member Eligibility Requirements: Completion of SER1

Fee: $45

Contact: Pam Kapoor
24 Melinda Roland MA, PT, LAc, OMD, Dipl-OM, CST-D No United States California Solana Beach Yes Contact Information: 
Phone: 858.259.1553 
Email: delmarduckie@pacbell.net
25 Michelle Shandy CMT, CST-T   United States California Studio City Yes Location: 
Studio Wellness Centre
11650 Riverside Dr. PHI 91602

Please contact for meeting dates & times.

Contact Michelle Shandy
26 Donna Hall MBA, LMT, CST-D, CZB   United States California Tarzana Yes Specific Location: 4431 Callada Pl., Tarzana, CA 91356

Meeting Dates:  1-3 times per month. See schedule below. 

Meeting Times: Short study groups are 4 hours in length from 9:30 am – 1:30 pm. Extended study groups are 6.5 hours in length from 9:30 am - 4:00 pm. 

Member Eligibility Requirements: CS1 preferred; will accept CST Intro students

Fee: For 4 hours study groups $50 at the door, $45 if paid 3 days in advance. For extended study groups, $150 at the door, $125 if paid one week in advance. 

Contact Information: 
Name: Donna Hall
Phone: (818) 425-9613
E-mail: donnahall818@roadrunner.com

Additional Leader(s)
Name: Ellen Steinberg
Phone: (818) 345-4439
E-mail: babyhelp818@gmail.com
27 Ellen Steinberg RN, IBCLC, LCCE, CST-D   United States California Tarzana Yes Specific Location: 4431 Callada Pl., Tarzana, CA 91356

Meeting Dates:  1-3 times per month. See schedule below. 

Meeting Times: Short study groups are 4 hours in length from 9:30 am – 1:30 pm. Extended study groups are 6.5 hours in length from 9:30 am - 4:00 pm. 

Member Eligibility Requirements: CS1 preferred; will accept CST Intro students

Fee: For 4 hours study groups $50 at the door, $45 if paid 3 days in advance. For extended study groups, $150 at the door, $125 if paid one week in advance. 

Contact Information: 
Name: Ellen Steinberg
Phone: (818) 345-4439
E-mail: babyhelp818@gmail.com

Additional Leader(s)
Name: Donna Hall
Phone: (818) 425-9613
E-mail: donnahall818@roadrunner.com

28 Tricia Fortina CMT, BSW, CST-T   United States California Ventura Yes Study Groups available in Ventura, CA, San Luis Obispo County, CA, Santa Cruz, CA, Omaha, NE, & Austin, TX.

Meeting Times & Dates vary. Please contact for details. 

Fee: $35

Levels of study group: CS1 - SER2
Contact: Tricia Fortina, 805-844-2889, triciablendedtouch@gmail.com
29 Kimberly Loiacono LMT, CST-D No United States California Ventura Yes Meeting Dates: one Sunday every month (depends on holiday schedule)
Meeting Times 11:00 - 2:00 pm
Member Eligibility Requirements: completion of Intro CST to Advanced CST
Fee: $45

Contact Information: 
Kimberly Loiacono


30 Karen Axelrod MA, CST-D, CAMTC Yes United States California Virtual Yes Online study groups are held using the Zoom meeting platform.

Member Eligibility Requirements: CS1, CS2, CSCN, CSIR, CASR, CATP

CSCN and CSIR run monthly on Tuesday afternoons. 

CS1 and CS2 run weekly on Wednesday mornings through July 2020. 

Fee: $10

Some in-person study groups are held throughout the year in Los Angeles. Check website for dates/times.

Contact Information: 
Name: Karen Axelrod
Phone:  310-376-0113 
E-mail:   karen.axelrod@gmail.com
Website:  www.karenaxelrod.com
31 Eric Moya RMT, CST-D, Ms/Mfct   United States California Virtual Yes www.theideacrucible.com

See website calendar for details on dates and times. 

All Upledger Alumni are welcome

Eric Moya
32 Melinda Naye CMT, CST-D Yes United States California Virtual Yes Online via Zoom. Please contact for dates, times and additional information. Melinda Naye 916-223-7394
33 Laura Moorehead CST-D   United States Hawaii Waimea Yes Meeting Dates & Times: Please call for details. 

Member Eligibility: Completion of CS1

Fee: $25

Contact Information: 

Laura Moorehead



34 Piper Jones LMT, LLCC   United States Oregon Corvallis Yes Specific Location: Blue Heron Healing Arts

Meeting Dates: first Saturday of each month

Meeting Times: 10:00-12:00 Must RSVP to confirm

Member Eligibility Requirements: study group is dependent upon classes individuals have completed up to ADV1

Contact Information: Piper JonesPhone: 541-740-3698E-mail: HeartValleyMassage@gmail.com
35 Kimberly Nedrow LMT, BCTMB, CST-D No United States Washington Olympia Yes Location: 
1804 Black Lake Blvd. SW, Suite 101
Olympia, WA

Please visit www.BalancedBeingInc.com for details. 

Member Eligibility Requirements: SER1 completion

Contact Kim Nedrow
36 Vicky Massey BA, LMT   United States Washington Puyallup Yes Location: 14001 Meridian Ave. E
Puyallup, WA 98373

Meeting Dates and Times: First Monday of the Month, 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm 

Member Eligibility: CS1 Completion

Fee: $10

Contact: Vicky Massey 
37 Judith Marcus L.M.P.   United States Washington Seattle No PRACTICE GROUP

Website: JudithMarcus.biz

Fee: varies based on what individuals want (one hour, spend the day, group discussion, etc)

Eligibility: Completion of SER1
38 Hillary Tinapple LMT, CST-D   United States Washington Seattle Yes Meeting Dates: Saturday, June 23, 2018

Meeting Times: 9:00am - 1pm

Member Eligibility Requirements: Completion of CS1 and previous practice of the 10-step protocol

Fee: $60 regular, $50 pre-registration

Contact: Hillary Tinapple, 206-552-0772, hillary@yourinneroasis.com

39 Julie Manwiller LMP, CC, SEP, RCST®, CST-D Yes United States Washington   Yes Please contact for online group options. 

Contact Info for Julie Manwiller: 
Phone: 206-548-1027
Email: julieman@mac.com