VM1 04.23-26.26 OTT
VM1: Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1
VM1 April 23-26, 2026 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Description: In this course, you will be introduced to the models and concepts of functional biomechanics as viewed from Jean-Pierre Barral's Visceral Manipulation approach. This method of evaluation and treatment is based on the concept that each of our internal organs rotates on a physiological axis. Focus is on the abdominal cavity and includes the organs, their membranes, ligaments, innervation and their spatial functional interrelationships. You will learn basic manipulations for correcting abnormal motions and stress patterns within this cavity. The manual techniques are not advised for pregnant participants.
Advance Preparation: The required reading for this course is the textbook titled Visceral Manipulation, by course developer Jean-Pierre Barral. Reading the book will help you get the bigger picture of visceral relationships. The first chapter gives the basic philosophy and an introduction to listening techniques. The VM1 course emphasizes the liver, gallbladder, stomach, sphincters, jejunoileum and the colon. In addition to reading the textbook, please familiarize yourself with the definitions and/or locations of the anatomical terms available at:
The majority of these terms can be found in the Visceral Manipulation prerequisite textbook as well as anatomy textbooks.
For additional preparation and delving deeper into the anatomy, watch Online Video Anatomy Series - OLV-ASVMA1 available at http://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/Online-Videos/Online-Video-Barral-Anatomy-Series-Visceral-Manipulation-Abdomen-Part-1
For both course preparation and implementing the material into your practice we offer a ‘Visceral Manipulation Starter Kit’, which includes the following items:
~Visceral Manipulation (textbook) ~Understanding Your Organs Trifold Reference Chart ~Pathway to Health (book) ~1-Year Barral Alumni Association-IAHP Medallion Membership - Medallion Membership benefits are many - including post course video review of VM1 material.
Starter Kit $130 plus shipping Total cost if purchased individually $240.90 ~Savings $110.90 (prices subject to change) http://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/Health-and-Wellness/Starter-Kit-VM
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