VM2 06.04-07.26 PHO
VM2: Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 2
VM2 June 4-7, 2026 Phoenix, Arizona
Already Started Taking Classes? If you have already signed up for or taken VM1 or VM2, it is not too late to enroll in the VM Core-Pak and SAVE! Call or email our Educational Services Department to discuss your options - 1-561-622-4334, ext. 2 | 1-800-233-5880, ext. 2 or iahe@iahe.com.
If you are registered in a Core or Trak-Pak, please stop here and call us or email us to select this event, so that your credit card is not charged in addition to your monthly scheduled payments.
Description: In this course, you will begin with a review of functional anatomy, hand placements and manipulations that were covered in Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1, followed by additional concepts and techniques. Emphasis is on the kidneys, greater omentum, peritoneum, spleen and pancreas.
Advance Preparation: To prepare for the course we suggest that you read Visceral Manipulation II, available at https://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/Visceral-Manipulation-Products/Visceral-Manipulation-II-Revised-Edition and review
Reviewing course videos of VM1 is very valuable for students - it helps ensure you are ready to move to the next level of learning. Reviewing videos on-line of class content is available to IAHP Medallion Members. If you are not already a member, contact us at 561.622.4334, or join on line at https://www.iahp.com/pages/benefits/index.php
For additional preparation in anatomy and physiology: 1. Online Video Anatomy Series Abdomen 1 - OLV-AVMSA1 available at https://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/Visceral-Manipulation-Products/Online-Video-Barral-Anatomy-Series-Visceral-Manipulation-Abdomen-Part-1 2. Online Video Anatomy Series Abdomen 2- OLV-AVMSA2 available at https://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/Visceral-Manipulation-Products/Online-Video-Barral-Anatomy-Series-Visceral-Manipulation-Abdomen-Part-2 3. Physiological & Clinical Applications of Visceral Manipulation; Volume 1: Abdomen; Evaluation, Listening Techniques, Liver, Gallbladder & Stomach – available at https://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/Textbooks/Physiological-Clinical-Applications-of-Visceral-Manipulation-Volume-1-The-Abdomen
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