Advanced Visceral Manipulation: Trauma (AVMT)
Prerequisite: Visceral Manipulation 4: The Thorax (VM4) and Neural Manipulation: Neuromeningeal Manipulation; An Integrative Approach to Trauma (NM1)
Advanced Visceral Manipulation: Trauma (AVMT)
During a trauma, collisional forces can impact the whole organism. Forces can be focused on certain weak points of the body, bone tissue attachments and intra-osseous fibers, pre-existing tissue fixations and high-density organs. This can create pain and dysfunction that can occur either immediately after the trauma or years later.
The body comprises a set of heterogeneous elements, both liquid and solid, which do not offer the same resistance to shocks, sometimes making the source of symptoms difficult to ascertain. For instance, very often the collisional forces that affect the aortic arch can create left upper thoracic pain.
Symptoms can range from simple joint pain to headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, loss of balance, and digestive and cardiovascular disorders. Physical trauma can change a person's life, and manual therapy can be an effective way to bring about relief for a person.
This course addresses these patterns with specific neural, vascular and visceral techniques in an integrated approach.