
AOT 10.09-12.25 WILM

AOT: Alchemy of Touch
AOT October 9-12, 2025 Wilmington, Vermont


Core-Pak Seminar Series offers a substantial discount for the seminars and a convenient payment plan of $100 per month - see details at bottom of page.

Alchemy of Touch expands basic Zero Balancing principles to work with amplified fields of vibration within the body and shows you how to create fulcrums that work with these amplified and therefore empowered fields. It provides clients with a direct experience of the healing state. In addition to presenting new material, Alchemy of Touch enables you to deepen foundation Zero Balancing skills through demonstrations and exchanges of Zero Balancing.

Alchemy of Touch is the second of three courses related to energy fields: Core Zero Balancing addresses the existing relationships between body energy fields and body structure; Alchemy of Touch introduces strategies to amplify the vibratory fields and to work with empowered fields; Geometry of Healing introduces working with the vibratory fields themselves, including the exploration of the space between vibrations and the information found therein.

Advance Preparation:

Please review IN ADVANCE so that you are comfortable with these parameters prior to your arrival.

If you are not comfortable with them, or prefer to not attend for any other reason, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can reschedule your attendance.

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