Prerequisite: SomatoEmotional Release 1: Full Range of CranioSacral Therapy Tools for Gentle Trauma Resolution (SER1)
CST and Working with Chronic Depletion (CSWCD)
When clients have been under long term stressors, their bodies, minds, and spirits can become profoundly depleted. The result can be challenging and unpredictable for even the most experienced practitioners. Clients who are chronically depleted can have unpredictable treatment reactions, have little apparent gain from therapy, and extremely complex client presentations with multitudes of presenting problems. In short, there are a lot of factors coming together which make it likely the complex client will terminate treatment early and the practitioner feel unsuccessful. And with today’s increasingly complex world, more and more of our clients are showing up chronically depleted and looking for help.
This course is about helping the craniosacral practitioner learn the skills needed for working with the complex and chronically depleted client. Topics include new assessments, new tissue techniques, strategies in client coaching, and in depth work with how to work with patterns of dysfunction rather than isolated restrictions.
In addition to the regular course content, instructor Eric Moya will include a discussion at the conclusion of the course about how the resilience/depletion framework and skills from the course may be helpful for people who have long term effects of Covid-19.
I am currently taking the online version of this course. In my perspective, developer and instructor, Eric Moya CST-D has built on the foundation of CranioSacral Therapy and introduces us to not only new techniques to work with the body, new paradigms to shift our minds, but he also reminds us to witness the emergence of the integration in the patterns and structures of the Whole System. I highly recommend this course!
I took Eric's class in the UK and use the epicenter technique on a regular basis. Results with fibromyalgia are impressive, but require support and patience. All I can say is, this class is a must. Enjoy!"
To me, working with epicenter is absolutely true to Dr. John's paradigm of treating the whole person - no chasing restrictions. The chronic depletion class was a game-changer for me. It makes so much sense to work this way!
This work has changed my practice and never fails to amaze me. The epicenter may not always seem to make sense but it's always spot on. Yesterday was one of those times, and it got rid of the person's dizziness. I use this with all of my clients.