
CSWCD 07.18-20.25 ALB

CSWCD: CST and Working with Chronic Depletion
CSWCD July 18-20, 2025 Albuquerque, New Mexico



Please note this is a THREE day class, Fri,Sat, Sun.

When body systems are operating within healthy limits, they have ample resiliency and capacity for self-regulation and health. Traumas, injuries, or stressors tax a body’s resources as it attempts to heal and to regulate. When stressors or traumas are ongoing to a bodily system, however, new difficulties arise. Instead of local compensations and injury responses, the body’s entire system begins losing its capacity and resiliency for health and healing because of the chronic demand on precious bodily resources. In a sense, the body begins demonstrating ongoing patterns of trauma and depletion which create unique challenges to the craniosacral practitioner. The focus of this course is to understand, assess, and design treatments to work with long-term patterned depletion of body resiliency and capacity for change.

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