
CranioSacral Therapy for Infants with Special Circumstances (CSISC)

Prerequisite: CCPB1 and 3 case studies 

CranioSacral Therapy for Infants with Special Circumstances (CSISC)

This class discusses how CST is the perfect modality for premature infants. You will be introduced to the NICU environment and learn pertinent information about working in this highly specialized area. By learning to read a baby's cues you will learn how to know when it is safe to work on a baby and when to ask for help. This class will provide you with information regarding prematurity, neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), suck, swallow, breathe (SSB) coordination, misshapen heads, and other common diagnoses in the premature infant.

This class encourages you to become precise with your palpation skills when working with the muscles and nerves involved in feeding. Problem solving for reflux, tongue-tie and breastfeeding concerns will be addressed.

This class consists of lectures and demos, and includes hands on experience with infants and their families.  

This specialty class is for anyone currently working with infants, as well as anyone who works with clients, of any age, with developmental or SSB concerns, and who have treated infants.

Select Highlights

  • Dynamics specific to the NICU environment
  • Approaches for a treatment session that addresses feeding problems
  • Approaches for a treatment session that addresses preterm problems
  • Integration of anatomical and physiological knowledge with hands-on skills to improve treatment outcomes
  • CST treatment options to best address the client’s needs
  • Deepen knowledge, understanding, and embodiment of core CST techniques and principles


"This is life changing."

"I feel more confident to listen to the Inner Physician at deeper levels."

"Completely changed the way I work with babies."

"The interplay between personal understanding and professional application on a deep level was powerful."

"What an outstanding course with excellent applications to the NICU setting. An essential course for anyone working with babes and families, especially those who have had experience in the NICU. This course is excellent for those who work in that setting in any role, as well as any birth or related health care professional. This course will strongly impact how I work with critical neonates and alter my nursing care and approach to supporting the nervous systems of babes and their families. Highly recommended."