
Clinical Intervention Programs

Prerequisite: Varies - see individual listings.

These programs offer support to students in the integration of techniques and concepts into a clinical practice.

These programs will focus on how to refine palpation skills, and help bring and utilize the skill set into a clinical practice.  

Clinical Interventions: Concussion Recovery; Barral Manual Therapy (CI-CRBMT)

The objectives of this workshop will be for each participant:

  • Be able to describe the basic premise and clinical reasoning for neurological, visceral and fascial manipulation for the post concussive patient.
  • Identify how specific manual therapy can enhance our treatment outcomes for post concussive injuries and their related symptoms (such as head pain, cervical dysfunction, loss of memory, depression, anxiety, fatigue and sleep disorders)
  • Palpate and identify deeper fascial restrictions within the articular, diaphragmatic, visceral, neural and vascular systems of the body as they relate to clinical tests and treatments.
  • Understand the connections between your organs, emotions, trauma and pain for concussion recovery.

Course Highlights:  
~Concussion injury - from acute to chronic  
~Mechanism/Physiology of concussion  
~How a concussion affects the entire body  
~Anatomy, anatomy, anatomy  
~The importance of the diaphragm for the Body-Head connection  
~Specific Visceral techniques for concussion recovery  

"If there has been a trauma, there will always be an emotional component that must find a way to release"  Jean Pierre Barral, DO, PT

Clinical Interventions: Pregnancy, Labor/Delivery and Postpartum Care for Mother and Baby; Barral Manual Therapy (CI-PLDBMT)

In this workshop, you will learn to identify how specific manual therapy can enhance treatment outcomes for pregnancy, mother and baby as well as understand the connections between organs, emotions, trauma, and pain. This class does NOT teach internal work.




CI-CRBMT: “From this amazing class, I now understand the complex patterns of concussions and the significant effect there is to the brain and body when tissues lose equilibrium due to traumatic impact. I can return to my practice with all the latest research, therapies, and early management strategies tools for treating post-concussion symptoms.”

Y. Mendelson, LMT, CNMP, CVTP