CranioSacral Therapy 2 (CS2)
Moving Beyond the Dura for Assessing Acute and Chronic Conditions Ā Prerequisite: CranioSacral Therapy 1 (CS1) and thorough working knowledge of the 10-Step Protocol. This course is intended for licensed or certified healthcare professionals.
Already Started Taking Classes? If you have already signed up for or taken CS1 or CS2, it is not too late to enroll in the CST Core-Pak and SAVE! Contact our Educational Services Dept. to discuss your options - 1-561-622-4334, ext. 2 | 1-800-233-5880, ext. 2 or iahe@iahe.com. CranioSacral Therapy 2 (CS2) greatly expands the structural, energetic, and personal work learned in CS1. You'll discover new ways to become a more mindful practitioner, as you continue to refine your palpation skills and therapeutic presence.
CS2 completes basic biomechanical Upledger CST training with hands-on techniques focusing on complex cranial base dysfunctions, the boney structures of the face, the masticatory system and hard palate. Your training continues with advanced work in seeking out and treating Energy Cysts, Facilitated Segments, and additional fascial restrictions. The course culminates in an effective Whole-Body Evaluation, which helps you assess a client for specific, present-moment dysfunctions and a process for "treating what you find." CS2 also includes short lectures on working with pediatric populations, the Triune Brain model as an introduction to whole-brain integration, and SomatoEmotional ReleaseĀ® as an introduction to mind-body integration. Course Highlights- Review of the 10-Step Protocol.
- Cranial base dysfunctions as assessed and treated by Dr. William Sutherland, the originator of Cranial Osteopathy will be studied. Learn how these strain patterns can produce profound full-body effects.
- Study adverse strain patterns of the facial bones, including the nasals, zygomas, maxillae, vomer, and palatines. Understand how osseous restrictions can cause a myriad of issues related to the face, throat, intracranial membrane system, and even the whole body.
- Learn Arcing, a powerful way to locate primary strain patterns (lesions). Discover how advanced CST practitioners use this assessment tool for its accuracy and efficiency.
- Discover how Regional Tissue Release helps the body let go of dysfunctional fascial or energetic strain patterns, often the result of old injuries or traumas. Understand how this is used in conjunction with the craniosacral rhythm for maximum effectiveness.
- Facilitated Segments are hypersensitive spinal cord segments that can cause chronic, debilitating issues if gone untreated. Learn to locate and treat these segments along with corresponding organs.
- Learn how Fascial Glide, an advanced assessment and treatment technique, is used for precisely locating fascial restrictions, and a process for determining the primary lesion if more than one lesion is found.
- Effectively integrate techniques from CS1 and CS2 into treatment sessions of any length, or in combination with other modalities, using Whole-Body Evaluation.
- Discuss SomatoEmotional Release, a manual therapy process developed by Dr. Upledger that delves deeper into the core principles of CST.
Learning Objectives- Build the foundation to better understand the craniosacral system and study advanced techniques to facilitate change.
- Discuss and describe the anatomy and physiology of the craniosacral system, and its relationship to illness, pain and dysfunction.
- Practice and refine your light-touch palpation skills to access subtle restrictions in the body by focusing on the cranium, sacrum, craniosacral rhythm, and related soft-tissue physiologic structures.
- Evaluate and treat restrictions related to sphenobasilar lesions, bones of the face and hard palate, and teeth as they relate to the craniosacral system and whole person.
- Discuss applications of craniosacral techniques for children.
- Demonstrate and use Arcing, Fascial Glide, Dural Tube Traction and Listening Stations as a four-part, Whole-Body Evaluation.
- Describe, find, and treat Energy Cysts and understand their clinical significance.
- Demonstrate Regional Tissue Release.
- Demonstrate finding and treating Facilitated Segments.
Testimonials"What an amazing week delving deep into biorhythms and anatomy of the human body in the CS2 class. Feeling so much gratitude for the Upledger Institute and their mission to heal the planet."
"I love learning through the Upledger Institute. I can feel the passion for Cranio from instructors, TA's, facilitators, etc., which makes me feel comfortable and "at home"! The resources and books offered are very informative and easy to read."
"Highly recommend this (CS2-V)! I did CS2 virtually, then followed up with the in-person class and feel I learned, retained and joined the dots SOOOO much more than just doing the in-person class."
More Testimonials

This course is offered for 2.4 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level) Contact hours and more complete CEU information is available online.
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