
CSTAC 07.24-27.25 PHI

CSTAC: CranioSacral Therapy Applications for Concussion
CSTAC July 24-27, 2025 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



This advanced level seminar is designed to inform the practitioner of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) of the current science related to Persistent Concussive Symptoms (PCS) and how to apply the CST paradigm utilizing CST techniques to assist people in concussion recovery. Prerequisite skills will be explored from a post-concussive perspective while new methods will be employed to facilitate healing for people with a variety of post-concussive symptoms. All approaches will rely on the Significance Detector to ensure precision in honoring the uniqueness of each individual’s adaptive pattern.

Advance Preparation:
Watch a video program (approximately 4 hours) and complete a 10 question objective quiz before attending the class. These are provided approximately 10 days prior to the start of the class.

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