
CSP1 10.09-12.25 ORL

CSP1: CranioSacral Therapy for Pediatrics 1: A Comprehensive Overview Needed to Appropriately and Effectively Treat Children and Babies Three Months and Older
CSP1 October 9-12, 2025 Orlando, Florida


ASHA Transparency Statement Required for CEUs: SPEAKER DISCLOSURE: Financial: Teacher receives a fee for teaching this course. Nonfinancial: Teacher has no nonfinancial relationship to disclose.


CranioSacral Therapy for Pediatrics will show you how to work with the special issues that surround the application of CranioSacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional Release as they relate to children (3 months and up). As with all CST and SER classes, this workshop will consist largely of lecture, demonstration and practice. However, this class will also include several experiential exercises, including one SER lab, in order to help you better understand and "meet" children where they are and addresses the special application of CranioSacral Therapy, SomatoEmotional Release and Energy Cyst Release on children (3 months and up).

Advance Preparation:
Required reading to prepare for the course: A Brain is Born by John. E. Upledger. DO, OMM, available at; Out of Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder by Carol Stock Kranowitz, available at; and Sensory Processing Solutions : Drug-Free Therapies to Realize Your Child's Potential by Sally Fryer Dietz, PT, CST-D available at

Also, on the third and fourth days, the class is designed for participants to work in pairs with the children. The infants and children are provided solely by you and your classmates, and often receive immeasurable benefits from attending. We have received many letters from the parents of the children who were involved in the workshops commenting on the impact this brief opportunity has had on their families. Unfortunately, if participants are unable to provide a sufficient number of children, the educational quality of the seminar will be impacted. We send infant dolls to practice with in the event there are not enough children for the appointment times on day 3-4. Do not assume others are able to bring a child - please complete and return the Demonstration Application form, available for download at:

Also available is the Frequently Asked Questions about what is expected of the children/demonstrations available for download at:

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