NM1 06.13-15.25 AA
NM1: Neural Manipulation: Neuromeningeal Manipulation; An Integrative Approach to Trauma
NM1 June 13-15, 2025 Ann Arbor, Michigan
Description: IMPORTANT --- REVIEW THIS PDF PRIOR TO CLASS https://www.barralinstitute.com/docs/prestudy-materials/NM1-Preparation-with-Q_A.pdf
In this course, you will study the three primary areas of trauma as they relate to whiplash: physical laws, evaluation and treatment. The instructor will present appropriate lecture, demonstration, and supervised hands-on lab sessions addressing such topics as restrictions in the meningeal system; soft tissues of the cervical and cervicobrachial regions; and the lumbosacral region.
You will obtain maximum benefit from the class if you have a working knowledge of cranial bones, sutures and intracranial membranes. A few sample questions you should be able to answer are:
1. The coronal suture is between what 2 bones? 2. The occipito-mastoid suture/jugular foramen is between what 2 bones? 3. The falx cerebri is predominately (or mostly) under what suture? 4. The attachments of the tentorium cerebelli are: a. frontal bone, petrouss part of temporal bone, occiput b. occiput, parietal, temporal, bones, anterior and posterior clinoid processes of sphenoid bone c. occiput, parietal and temporal bones, maxilla
Answers are in the pre-study document located at https://www.barralinstitute.com/docs/prestudy-materials/NM1-Preparation-with-Q_A.pdf
Advance Preparation: We invite you to review this introductory video (29 minutes) about the Barral Institute, presented by Curriculum Director Gail Wetzler, PT, DPT, EDO, BI-D, available here:
Required reading for this course:
~Trauma: An Osteopathic Approach, available at http://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/Textbooks/Trauma-An-Osteopathic-Approach
~ and review https://www.barralinstitute.com/docs/prestudy-materials/NM1-Preparation-with-Q_A.pdf
For additional preparation and delving deeper into the anatomy, watch: Online Video Neuromeningeal Explorations of Trauma in Manual Therapy - OLV-NME0 available at http://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/Visceral-Manipulation-Products/Online-Video-Barral-Neuromeningeal-Explorations-of-Trauma-in-Manual-Therapy
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