SICS 09.20-21.25 ROCH
SICS: Sensory Integration for CranioSacral Therapists: Sensory Processing Disorder and Autism Applications
SICS September 20-21, 2025 Rochester, New York
Description: In this workshop, you'll discover how to work with Sensory Processing Disorders from the CranioSacral Therapy perspective to help children reach their health and performance goals more effectively.
Advance Preparation: This course raises your awareness and sensitivities, and often personal processing is triggered. We recommend that you have a few CST sessions prior to the class, if you have not done so recently.
To help prepare for and to support learning during the class, we suggest the following resources: A Brain is Born by John. E. Upledger. DO, OMM, available at https://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/Textbooks/A-Brain-is-Born; Out of Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder by Carol Stock Kranowitz, available at https://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/Health-and-Wellness/The-Out-of-Sync-Child; and Sensory Processing Solutions : Drug-Free Therapies to Realize Your Child's Potential by Sally Fryer Dietz, PT, CST-D available at https://shop.iahe.com/Patient-Info/Sensory-Processing-Solutions and Netter's Atlas of Human Neuroscience by Frank Netter, MD.
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