
SER2 07.30-08.02.26 MIL

SER2: SomatoEmotional Release 2: Intention, Inner Physician and Dialogue - Deepening Principles and Practice of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy
SER2 July 30-August 2, 2026 Milwaukee, Wisconsin


ASHA Transparency Statement Required for CEUs: SPEAKER DISCLOSURE: Financial: Teacher receives a fee for teaching this course. Nonfinancial: Teacher has no nonfinancial relationship to disclose.


This workshop was designed to teach you how the SomatoEmotional Release technique may integrate with various creative imagery and dialoguing methods. By attending this class, you will become more proficient in the SER techniques and focus on the development of therapeutic imagery and dialoguing skills. You will also review and enlarge upon the release techniques for the avenue of expression. The goal is a comfortable wholistic mind-body approach to the resolution of problems and obstacles related to patient/client progress and growth.

Advance Preparation:
Download and complete a handy preparation checklist here:
COMPLETE AND BRING WITH YOU TO CLASS. Your SER2 teacher will ask for it on the first morning of class.

As a student transitioning from SER1 into SomatoEmotional Release 2 (SER2), prior to SER2 attendance, it is strongly recommended that you:

~Continue practicing 10-step protocols that you started after attending CS1

~Practice the CS2 mouth work as much as possible, and incorporate the Avenue of Expression into your protocol. It was reviewed and consolidated at SER1; but in SER2 you will be expected to know the mouth techniques and protocols very well. In SER2, you will incorporate them into the first day’s practice, but without extensive review. Find an experienced CS therapist in your region who is comfortable with mouth work and get treated. Therapists can be found on

~Practice arcing. Use arcing at the beginning of every session to locate energy cysts, which are the primary lesions for your patients.

~In your treatments, use the Significance Detector and the varying quality changes within the Significance Detector to track and follow the treatment plan of the client’s Inner Physician.

~Practice dialogue with your clients. Whenever you notice the Significance Detector deepening or changing in some way, ask “What are you noticing right now?” This is not dialogue, but can help you bridge into dialogue.

~Review over and over the 10-Step Imagery and Dialogue Protocol for Bodyworkers in your SER1 study guide. This will help you to begin to develop an approach to dialogue. You will receive a lot more information in SER2, but to best utilize that new information, you need to have experimented with dialogue beforehand.

~Practice, practice, practice!

~And get treated! It is not possible to treat at this level without doing our own work. Find an experienced CS therapist in your area who practices at this level and get on the table as much as possible. If you cannot find such a person in your area, good CST is worth traveling for!

To complement the material that you will be learning at the course, it is suggested that you review chapter 2 in CranioSacral Therapy II: Beyond the Dura, available at, "The Hard Palate" chapter in your CranioSacral Therapy study guide and your SomatoEmotional Release I study guide.

In addition, we also recommend you read:

-SomatoEmotional Release and Beyond by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, available at
-Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher and William Ury, available at
-The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins, available at, and
-The Art of Effortless Living by Ingrid Bacci, Ph.D., available at

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