TBS1 06.12-15.25 DEN
TBS1: The Brain Speaks 1: CranioSacral Therapy Techniques for Listening to and Working with the Brain
TBS1 June 12-15, 2025 Denver, Colorado
Description: This four-day workshop focuses on exploring and realizing the potential for communicating with another person's brain - its structural components and individual neurons. The concept is founded on the hypothesis that every organ, tissue and cell in a living being has its own consciousness. Participants will be guided into imagery and dialogue with specific brain and spinal cord parts and their functional units.
Advance Preparation: Required reading to prepare for the course: A Brain is Born by John. E. Upledger. DO, OMM, available at http://shop.iahe.com/product-list/textbooks/a-brain-is-born and bring a copy of Netter Anatomy: Atlas of Human Neuroscience by Frank Netter, MD.
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