
VM3 06.11-14.26 SD

VM3: Visceral Manipulation: The Pelvis
VM3 June 11-14, 2026 San Diego, California



In this course, you will study those organ systems of the pelvis not previously presented, integrate the pelvic organs with the complex ligament systems of the body region, and give methods for differentiation between somatic and visceral causes for pelvic and low back problems.

Advance Preparation:
To prepare for the course we require that you read Urogenital Manipulation, available at, and review

For additional preparation and delving deeper into the anatomy, watch:
Online Video Anatomy Series - OLV-ASVMP available at

For a package option that includes the required reading, continue your VM study with this Pelvic Kit at a savings of over $26.00 that includes:

~Urogenital Manipulation textbook (required reading)
~Female Pelvic Model
~Visceral Manipulation for Female Pelvic Disorder textbook
~Manual Therapy for the Prostate textbook
available at

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